ISO/IEC 30071-1-2019 信息技术--用户界面可访问性的开发--第1部分:创建可访问ICT产品和服务的实践代码 Information technology — Development of user interface accessibility — Part 1: Code of practice for creating accessible ICT products and services
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:ISO/IEC 30071-1-2019
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-10-17
- 下载次数:次
This document takes a holistic approach to the accessibility of information and communications
technology (ICT) by combining guidance on implementing the accessibility of ICT systems (ICT
accessibility) both at organizational and system development levels.
This document gives guidelines for building and maintaining ICT systems (including products and
services) that are accessible to diverse users (including users with disabilities and older people).
This document is applicable to all types of organizations. This document applies to the breadth of ICT
systems and the results of convergent and emerging technologies within an organization including,
but not limited to: information systems; intranet systems; websites; mobile and wearable applications;
social media; and Internet of Things (IoT) systems.
It gives requirements and recommendations for organizations:
a) ensuring accessibility is considered in their policies or strategy by creating an organizational ICT
accessibility policy;
b) embedding the consideration of accessibility decisions through the entire process of developing
procuring, installing, operating and maintaining ICT systems, and documenting these choices;
c) justifying decisions on accessibility;
d) communicating the ICT system’s accessibility decisions to its users at launch, through creating and
publishing its accessibility statement.st edition
Information technology —
Development of user interface
accessibility —
Part 1:
Code of practice for creating
accessible ICT products and services
Technologies de l'information — Développement de l'accessibilité des
interfaces utilisateur —
Partie 1: Code de bonnes pratiques pour créer des produits et services
TIC accessibles
Reference number
ISO/IEC 30071-1:2019(E)
ISO/IEC 2019
ISO/IEC 30071-1:
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