ISO 16151-2018 金属和合金的腐蚀--在酸化盐雾、干燥和潮湿环境下加速循环试验 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Accelerated cyclic test with exposure to acidified salt spray, dry and wet conditions
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:ISO 16151-2018
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-10-20
- 下载次数:次
This document specifies two accelerated corrosion-test procedures, Methods A and B, for the comparative evaluation of metallic materials with or without permanent corrosion protection or temporary corrosion protection in outdoor salt and/or acid rain environments. It also specifies the apparatus used. The two tests involve cyclic exposure of the specimens to acidified salt spray, “dry” and “wet” conditions.
The particular advantages of the two tests over conventional accelerated tests, such as the neutral salt spray (NSS) test as specified in ISO 9227 lie in their better ability to reproduce the corrosion that occurs in outdoor salt and/or acid rain environments. They are also useful for evaluating cosmetic corrosion.
Method A is applicable to
— metals and their alloys,
— metallic coatings (cathodic),
— anodic oxide coatings, and
— organic coatings on metallic materials.
Method B is applicable to
— steel coated with anodic coatings, and
— steel coated with anodic coatings covered with conversion coatings.nd edition
Corrosion of metals and alloys —
Accelerated cyclic test with exposure
to acidified salt spray, dry and wet
Corrosion des métaux et alliages — Essais cycliques accélérés avec
exposition au brouillard salin acidifié, en conditions ?sèches? et en
conditions ?humides?
Reference number
ISO 16151:2018(E)
ISO 2018
ISO 16151:2018(E)
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