ISO 19056-2-2019 显微镜--照明特性的定义和测量--第2部分:明亮场显微镜中与颜色有关的照明特性 Microscopes — Definition and measurement of illumination properties — Part 2:llumination properties related to the colour in&nbs
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:ISO 19056-2-2019
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-10-29
- 下载次数:次
This document specifies measurands and measurement procedures of colour properties for bright field microscopy with transmitted light illumination. These measurements are defined in image planes or intermediate image planes. This document also specifies how the information is provided to the user.st edition 2019-11 Microscopes?—?Definition?and? measurement?of?illumination? properties?— Part 2: Illumination?properties?related?to?the? colour?in?bright?field?microscopy Microscopes?—?Définition?et?mesurage?des?propriétés?d'éclairage?— Partie?2:?Propriétés?d'illumination?liées?à?la?couleur?en?microscopie?à? champ?lumineux Reference number ISO 19056-2:2019(E) ? ISO 2019 ISO 19056-2:2019(E
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