IEC 62766-2-1-2016 进入IPTV和开放的互联网多媒体服务的消费终端功能--第2-1部分:媒体格式 Consumer terminal function for access to IPTV and open internet multimedia services – Part 2-1: Media formats
- 标准类别:
- 标准大小:
- 标准编号:IEC 62766-2-1-2016
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-11-11
- 下载次数:次
This part of IEC 62766 specifies formats for the audio/video content provided by IPTV services using fixed line access networks or mobile access networks and voice and video telephony services. It does not apply to the broadcast channel input of hybrid devices except where explicitly specified.
This part of IEC 62766 defines formats for the delivery of 3D video. At the present time, delivery to fixed terminals is targeted. No special provision is made for mobile or portable devices.
This standard defines the media formats utilised on the UNI reference point UNIT-17 of the Open IPTV Forum functional architecture.dition 1.0 2016-12
Consumer terminal function for access to IPTV and open internet multimedia
services –
Part 2-1: Media formats
Fonction des terminaux grand public pour l'accès aux services IPTV et
multimédias de l'internet ouvert –
Partie 2-1: Formats des médias
IEC 62766-2-1:2016-12(en-fr)
Copyright ? 2016 IE
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