首页 > 标准下载>IEC TR 63225-2019 用于直流光伏系统的连接器的不兼容性 Incompatibility of connectors for DC-application in photovoltaic systems免费下载
IEC TR 63225-2019 用于直流光伏系统的连接器的不兼容性 Incompatibility of connectors for DC-application in photovoltaic systems IEC TR 63225-2019 用于直流光伏系统的连接器的不兼容性 Incompatibility of connectors for DC-application in photovoltaic systems

IEC TR 63225-2019 用于直流光伏系统的连接器的不兼容性 Incompatibility of connectors for DC-application in photovoltaic systems

  • 标准类别:
  • 标准大小:
  • 标准编号:IEC TR 63225-2019
  • 标准状态:现行
  • 更新时间:2023-11-15
  • 下载次数:19次

This document highlights the problem of incompatibility of connectors for DC-application in 
photovoltaic systems (DC connectors) produced by different manufacturers. It addresses four 
particular issues in that context: 
• background information on incompatibility of DC connectors from different manufacturers; 
• observations and challenges concerning the handling of DC connectors from different 
• stakeholders concerned by the incompatibility of DC connectors; 
• recommendations for long-term standardization and interim measures to address 
incompatibility of DC connectors.dition 1.0 2019-11 TECHNICAL REPORT Incompatibility of connectors for DC-application in photovoltaic systems IEC TR 63225:2019-11(en) THIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Copyright ? 2019 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying an
