首页 > 标准下载>NF S62-111-5-2020 Fixed firefighting systems - Gas extinguishing systems - Part 5 : physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for HFC 227ea extinguishant免费下载
NF S62-111-5-2020  Fixed firefighting systems - Gas extinguishing systems - Part 5 : physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for HFC 227ea extinguishant NF S62-111-5-2020  Fixed firefighting systems - Gas extinguishing systems - Part 5 : physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for HFC 227ea extinguishant

NF S62-111-5-2020 Fixed firefighting systems - Gas extinguishing systems - Part 5 : physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for HFC 227ea extinguishant

  • 标准类别:
  • 标准大小:
  • 标准编号:NF S62-111-5-2020
  • 标准状态:现行
  • 更新时间:2023-11-18
  • 下载次数:
