![ISO 19670-2017 肥料和土壤调节剂--固体缓释肥料脲醛--一般要求 Fertilizers and soil conditioners — Solid urea aldehyde slow release fertilizer — General requirements](/d/biaozhun/05morepic/6eab36488f15e69f953c962a6bb72cf9.jpg)
![ISO 19670-2017 肥料和土壤调节剂--固体缓释肥料脲醛--一般要求 Fertilizers and soil conditioners — Solid urea aldehyde slow release fertilizer — General requirements](/d/biaozhun/05morepic/6eab36488f15e69f953c962a6bb72cf9.jpg)
ISO 19670-2017 肥料和土壤调节剂--固体缓释肥料脲醛--一般要求 Fertilizers and soil conditioners — Solid urea aldehyde slow release fertilizer — General requirements
- 标准类别:
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- 标准编号:ISO 19670-2017
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-12-13
- 下载次数:次
This document specifies general requirements, analytical methods, sampling and preparation of test sample, marking and labelling, packaging, transport and storage for solid urea aldehyde slow release fertilizer. This document applies to pure solid urea aldehyde slow release fertilizer, i.e. urea formaldehyde (UF), methylene urea (MU), crotonylidene diurea (CDU), isobutylidene diurea (IBDU). This document does not apply to mixtures of nitrogenous fertilizers containing solid urea aldehyde slow release fertilizer.st edition 2017-03 Fertilizers and soil conditioners — Solid urea aldehyde slow release fertilizer — General requirements Engrais et amendements — Engrais urée aldéhyde solide à libération lente — Exigences générales Reference number ISO 19670:2017(E) ? ISO 2017 ISO 19670:2017(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ? ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland All r
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