ISO 7718-2-2016 航空器--登机桥或旅客转移车辆连接用客舱门接口要求--第2部分:上舱门 Aircraft — Passenger doors interface requirements for connection of passenger boarding bridge or passenger transfer vehicle — Part 2: Upper deck doors
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- 标准编号:ISO 7718-2-2016
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-12-16
- 下载次数:次
This document specifies the minimum dimensional and unobstructed space requirements around future civil-passenger transport aircraft upper deck passenger doors when they are intended to be compatible with passenger boarding bridges planned in airports worldwide. This document is not applicable to existing models of civil transport aircraft, or derivative models with entry into service up to year 2000 with the same fuselage, for which the aircraft-mating section of passenger boarding bridges or passenger transfer vehicles is expected to be compatible with ISO 16004. However, it is expected that the design of such aircraft types may be taken into account for design of passenger boarding bridges capable of upper deck servicing, in addition to this document. It is not the intent of this document to restrict in any way the basic design of any future types of civil-passenger transport aircraft. It aims, however, at clarifying for aircraft design engineers the design characteristics which would make it difficult or impossible for a new type of aircraft to adequately connect with airport passenger boarding bridges. Should basic aircraft design requirements impose on a future model certain dimensional characteristics not complying with this document, note that: — either alternative methods of embarking/disembarking passengers will need to be implemented, such as using the internal aircraft stairs, etc.; — or upper deck passenger boarding bridges in the airports where such a new type of aircraft is to operate will require some degree of modification/reworking; — or additional interface devices/equipment will be required in order to connect such a new type of aircraft with existing upper deck passenger boarding bridges. Each case results in increased aircraft-handling constraints and operating cost. nd edition 2016-12-15 Aircraft — Passenger doors interface requirements for connection of passenger boarding bridge or passenger transfer vehicle — Part 2: Upper deck doors Aéronefs — Exigences d’interface des portes passagers pour accouplement d’une passerelle passagers ou de véhicules de transfert de passagers — Partie 2: Portes de pont supérieur Reference number ISO 7718-2:2016(E) ? ISO 2016 ISO 7718-2: 标准截图
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