IEC 62559-3-2017 用例方法--第3部分:定义为XML序列化格式的用例模板 Use case methodology – Part 3: Definition of use case template artefacts into an XML serialized format
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- 标准编号:IEC 62559-3-2017
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-12-21
- 下载次数:次
In order to exchange use cases based on the template which is defined in IEC 62559-2, this part of IEC 62559 establishes the interfaces between the different use case repositories and/or UML engineering software tools.
Therefore, this document defines the required core concepts and their serialization into XML syntactic format of a use case template, an Actor list and list for detailed requirements.
As shown in Figure 2, the modelling approach is leveraging the use of UML in order to graphically represent the data contained in a use case based on the IEC 62559 template. Therefore the textual format of the use case template may be in the use case development process just a starting point for business experts or an easy way to modify use case data for non UML experts. As a consequence, it is important for the IEC 62559 series to provide a reliable way for converting this textual format into UML format and reciprocally. As soon as a use case repository is maintained based on the IEC 62559 series, another related need is to be able to import/export between different UML tools and different use case repositories the use case related information based on a tool independent format.
The main purpose of this document is to propose an independent format for transferring the use case information between modelling software. In order to satisfy this goal, the syntactic XML format is chosen to serialize the use case data. This document defines in detail the core concepts of the template into UML and their transformations into XML using the XSD standard.
This document, as shown in Figure 2, supports the interoperability between modelling software used by different companies over the world.
Once this level of interoperability is achieved, IEC 62559 can provide a reliable mechanism to interpret those XML data in order to represent graphically UML use cases. This need will be covered as well in a future part of IEC 62559 (to be defined). This document focuses on a methodological framework which is also used by IEC TC 57 standards and which is summarized in Clause 4.
In order to exchange use cases based on the template which is defined in IEC 62559-2, this document establishes the interfaces between the different use case repositories and/or UML tools.dition 1.0 2017-12
Use case methodology –
Part 3: Definition of use case template artefacts into an XML serialized format
IEC 62559-3:2017-12(en)
Copyright ? 2017 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means
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