IEC TR 63123-2017 核电站--仪器仪表、控制和电力系统--应用IEC 63147:<font class="font-highlight">2017</font>/IEEE Std 497™-2016年国际原子能机构IAEA / IEC框架的指南 Nuclear power plants – Instrumentation, control and electrical power systems – Guid
- 标准类别:
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- 标准编号:IEC TR 63123-2017
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2023-12-25
- 下载次数:次
This document gives guidance for the application in the IAEA/IEC framework of the IEC
63147:2017/IEEE 497 corresponding to the adoption without modification of IEEE 497:2016.
During their review of IEEE 497:2016, the experts of the review team noted that between the 2010 edition of the IEEE 497 and its 2016 edition:
– some IEC standards were added as normative references;
– an additional group of Type F variables was defined to cover parameters providing
information to manage fuel damage scenarios and associated technical requirements were
– several paragraphs were removed from 6.2 of the 2010 edition, which gave requirements
on diversity of design and defence in depth;
– the term “1E” was replaced by “safety system”.
Nevertheless, two major issues for the possible direct adoption of IEEE 497:2016 as
IEC/IEEE standard in the frame of the agreement AC/138/2002 were identified:
• The absence of reference to any function categorization scheme or system/equipment
classification scheme.
NOTE In fact that issue corresponds to the fact that IEC 61226 is not referred and used in IEEE 497:2016.
• The identification terminology issues to consider.
The experts of the review team discussed technically those findings and IEC Central Office representative taking into account the discussion held in the review team advised the team to prepare this Technical Report to support their recommendation concerning the adoption of IEEE 497:2016 as IEC 63147:2017/IEEE 497 and to support its application in the IEC framework.dition 1.0 2017-12
Nuclear power plants – Instrumentation, control and electrical power systems –
Guidance for the application of IEC 63147:2017/IEEE Std 497?-2016 in the
IAEA / IEC framework
IEC TR 63123:2017-12(en)
Copyright ? 2017 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, n
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