NAVY DI-MGMT-82022-2016 Major Milestone Commonality And Configuration Variance Progress Report
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- 标准编号:NAVY DI-MGMT-82022-2016
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2024-01-04
- 下载次数:次
[第1页] óóà?àà?à???à?à??ààààà???àóàóàà?ààà???àóóó DATA ITEM DESCRIPTION Title: MAJOR MILESTONE COMMONALITY AND CONFIGURATION VARIANCE PROGRESS REPORT Number: DI-MGMT-82022 Approval Date: 20160119 AMSC Number: N9623 Limitation: N/A DTIC Applicable: No GIDEP Applicable: No Preparing Activity: SH Project Number: MGMT-2015-037 Applicable Forms: N/A Use/relationship: The Major Milestone Commonality and Configuration Variance Progress Commonality Plan. This DID contains the format, content, and intended use information for the data deliverable resulting from the work task described in the solicitation. Requirements: 2. Content. The Report shall contain Commonality Goals and Thresholds established at the beginning of the reporting period. 2.1 The Report shall contain historical and demonstrated progress tracked against Commonality Goals and Thresholds by ship work breakdown structure (SWBS) and shall specify the following information: a. The name and percentage of Systems and Systems Architectures reused from prior hulls of the same Program/Ship Class and Other Program/Ship Classes. b. The name and the percentage of Systems and Systems Architecture components/parts reused from Other Program/Ship Classes. c. The name and the percentage of Virtual Shelf Systems and Systems Architectures applied. d. The name and the percentage of Virtual Shelf Specifications and Standards Applied in Ship Specification/Design. ò?a?′ í?? í§-??3- Y±33?2? ?í?·° í§-??3-÷ Source: https://assist.dla.mil -- D ?o ·??w 2-? n?l? o ía ?? d 2e 1?d ?·: × 220 -?·??1 ??6 ±o -í 0??1 2- ?28 ???·|T ??·1 ±0: 2 ?5 ?e8Z è?éé ò±? o±? ??-?′?? ?e?êó??ó?ì eé?eê??è Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. ò± ??°?±????·±2 ±? 2???±?μ·21 °??3·???? ?·??±?? ′·??2-? o?±3 ×?í [第2页] DI-MGMT-82022 e. The name and the percentage of Virtual Shelf Equipment and Parts applied in Systems and Systems Architectures. f. The name and the percentage of Program-Unique Items. 2.2 The Report shall specify the number of Virtual Shelf Feedback Reports submitted by the contractor. 2.3 The Report shall include all technical and business case analyses for the Feedback reports specified in the Virtual Shelf. 2.4 The Report shall specify the estimated cost savings and cost avoidance information resulting from Commonality implementation. End of DI-MGMT-82022 2 ò?a?′ í?? í§-??3- Y±33?2? ?í?·° í§-??3-÷ Source: https://assist.dla.mil -- D ?o ·??w 2-? n?l? o ía ?? d 2e 1?d ?·: × 220 -?·??1 ??6 ±o -í 0??1 2- ?28 ???·|T ??·1 ±0: 2 ?5 ?e8Z è?éé ò±? o±? ??-?′?? ?e?êó??ó?ì eé?eê??è Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. ò± ??°?±????·±2 ±? 2???±?μ·21 °??3·???? ?·??±?? ′·??2-? o?±3 ×?í óóà?àà?à???à?à??ààààà???àóàóàà?ààà???àóóó
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