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NIDS NAVSEA 10300.1C-1985  (Sea 05M4) Fuels,Lubricants And Associated Products Used By The North Atlantic Treaty Organization Armed Forces NIDS NAVSEA 10300.1C-1985  (Sea 05M4) Fuels,Lubricants And Associated Products Used By The North Atlantic Treaty Organization Armed Forces

NIDS NAVSEA 10300.1C-1985 (Sea 05M4) Fuels,Lubricants And Associated Products Used By The North Atlantic Treaty Organization Armed Forces

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  • 标准编号:NIDS NAVSEA 10300.1C-1985
  • 标准状态:现行
  • 更新时间:2024-01-06
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[第1页] --`,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- DEPARTMEW' OF THE NAVY Naval Sea Systems Command (20362-5101) Xaval Air Systems Command (20361-0001) Washington, DC .i?\ ! . _I. ' -. NAVSEAINST 10300.iC NAVAIRINST 10300.2C SEA 05M4 AIR-5363 15 Sep 85 NAVSEX INSTRUCTION 10300.iC NAVAIR INSTRUCTION 10300.2C From: Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command Commander, Naval Air Systems Command Subs: FUELS, LUBRICANTS AND ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS USED BY THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION ARMED FORCES Ref: (a) Military Agency for Standardization (MAS) (NAVY) 073-F&L/ii35 of (R 13 Feb 85 Encl: (1) Interchangeability Chart of NATO Standardized Fuels, Lubricants and Associated Products 1. Purpose. To promulgate information contained in reference (a), which provides lists of fuels, lubricants and associated products that have been (NATO) Armed Forces. standardized by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization .\ ., Z'-' f 2. Cancellation. This instruction supersedes NAVSEA Instruction 10300.1B (R ^m. I 1 and NAVAIR Instruction 10300.2B of 14 April 1981. 3. Action. Enclosure (1) is the i984 revised version of .Annex C to STANAG (R 1135 listing the NATO code numbers assigned to fuels, lubricants, and associ- ated products together with the national specification for each participating NATO nation. This enclosure will serve as a guide to all personnel concerned with servicing and supplying United States naval ships and aircraft should it become necessary to utilize products from, or supply products to, other NATO nations. 4. Definition of Terms Used in the Interchangeability Charts a. The NATO code number is the number allotted to a petroleum product after it has been classified as standardized between two or more nations. No is product is allotted more than one NATO code and number, and once assigned, The NATO code number is clearly distin- never used for any other product. guished from all other markings by enclosing it in a rectangle as shown below: The rectangle may be-formed by either a continuous or broken line. S-146 Provided by IHS No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale [第2页] NAVSEA L0300.LC ** b424BL.5 0020334 434 NAVSEAINST 10300.1C BAVAIRINST 10300.2C 16 Sep 85 b. The following are definitions of the terms used in Connection with the description of fuels, lubricants, and associated products, used by NATO Armed Forces: (1) Standardized Product. A product is deemed to be standardized when it conforms to specifications, resulting from the same or equivalent technical requirements. (2) Acceptable Product. One which may be used in place of another product for extended periods without technical advice. (3) Ehergency Substitute. A product which may be used in an emergency in place of another product, after local exploration of adequacy of the only, Technical product, using locally available technical manuals and personnel. service as soon as possible after the advice must be sought from the nation's event as to whether or how long the emergency substitute can safely be retained in use. 5. Procedures a. Refer to page C-1 of enclosure (1) for the allocation of blocks to NATO code numbers to the three services for the product under their cognizance. R) b. Refer to page C-3 of enclosure (1) for explanation of the serial c, numbers used in the charts. I. ' .. . j, -.: .< .. . . .., - 6. Requests for Information. Questions regarding the acceptability of usage of any shipboard fuel, lubricant or associated product shall be addressed to the Commander , Naval Sea Systems Command (SEA OgMh), Washington, DC 20362-5101. Questions regarding aircraft fuels and lubricants shall be addressed to the Commander , Naval Air Systems Command (AIR-5363) , Washington, 3C 20361-5360. 7. Exceptions. This instruction does not apply to or modify any instructions relative to work under the cognizance of the Deputy Commander for Nuclear Propulsion (SEA 08). J. F. CALVERT M. V. RICKETTS Assistant Commander for Deputy Commander for Ship Design and Engineering System and Engineering Naval Sea Systems Command Naval Air System Command Distribution: (See next page) 2 --`,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Provided by IHS No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale [第3页] NAVSEAINST 10300.1C NAVAIRINST 10300.2C 8 16 Sep 85 (2 copies each) Distribution: FLEET COMMANDERS IN CHIEF SNDL 21A 2% FLEET COMMANDERS 23 FORCE COMMANDERS 24A NAVAL, AIR FORCE COMMANDERS FLEET TRAINING G??üP 2 6H 4 28A CARRIER GROW 29 WARSHIPS 32A DESTR?YER TENDER (AD) U 3 2N OILER (AO) 3 2DD SUBMARINE TENDER (AS) NAVAL AVIATION 42 46 FLEET MARINE FORCE AVIATION FKM12 NAVPE3DFF FKRlB NAVAIREWORKFAC FKR3A NAVAIRENGCEN FKR7C NAVAIRTECHSERVFAC NAVAVNLOGCEN FKR7E Copy to: (2 copies each unless otherwise indicated) SNDL A3 CNO (OP-413, W953D2, OP-09B1) A6 CMC B5 COMDTCOGARD 291 Frigate ( FF-1098) c 3 2G Ccmbat Store Ship (AFS) C84B NAVMATMTASYSGRU (Morgantown) (1 copy) c5 CHMAAG USDAO c7 FA5 NAF FA6 NAS FA7 NAVSTA FB6 NAF FB7 NAS NAVSTA FBI0 NAF FC4 NAVSTA FC7 COMNAVDIST WASHUG", JX FF1 USNA FF38 COMNAVAIRSYSCCM [AIR 5363 (6 1 , AIR 07D21 A/L (i), FKAIA AIR 7221 (lo), AIR-7221F (40) ) coMNAvsEASYScoM [SEA 05M4, SEA 56132, SEA 56x4, SEA 074, FKAlG SEA 911, SEA 912, SEA 913, SEA 914, SEA 921, SEA 09B12 ; 10) I FKM22 NAVPül3F?WCEN (1500) FT1 CNET Stocked: CNAm ccamtanding Officer FT2 CNTECHTRA Naval Publications &i Forms Center FT5 ET6 NAS 5801 Tabor Avenue ET88 EDOSCOL Philadelphia, PA 19120-5099 3 --`,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Provided by IHS No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale [第4页] NAVS??,AI:?ST 10300.1C NATO UNCLASSIFIED NAVA1 RIN ST 1 03 O O. 2 C 16 Sep 85 THE MILITARY AGENCY FOR STANDARDIZATION BRUSSELS BUREAU MILITAIRE DE 2EUAKuSSATION BWXELLES INTERCHANGEABILITY CHART W NATO STANDARDIZED FUELS, LUBRIC4NTS AND ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS TABLEAU D'INTERCHANGEABILITE OTAN ES CARBURANTS, LUBRIFIANTS ET PRODUITS CONNEXES C: STANDARDISES ANNEX C TO STANAG 1135 (REVISED 1984) ANNEXE C AU STANAG 1135 (REVISION 1984) OTAN SANS CLASSIFICATION Provided by IHS No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale --`,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- [第5页] --`,,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 6424835 0020337 143 I NAVSEA 10300.lC tt = NATO UNCLASSIFIED , ANNEX C TO STANAG 1135 ANNEXE C AU STANAC 1135 m- BfLTTY CHART OF NAM STANDARDIZED PVELS, LUBRICANTS AND US6C:bTED PRODUCTS TtU, L'iù~~~GUXLITE OTW DES CARBURAYTS, LUBRIFIANTS ET PLPDUITS CONNEXES STANDARDISES DEFINITON DES TERMES Produit qui répond à des spici- PRODUIT NORIWISE fl,-P-:nz mi--;.& ?-- I' 'I---:- tecnniques idantiqua ou 6qguFvalentes~ las produits normalisir sont idetitilib par un numéro de code OTAN IAAP-6). Produit qui peut en PRODJIT Dh SUBSTITUTIOI replica un autre pendant des périodes prolongéea saos nócesiiter de diroetivea tecbnlquea (AAP-6). - L.lXüCX SGBSTITüTB. A prodtiat which MY be usod, PRODUIT DE RMPLACMENT D'URGENCE Produit qui peut . 8 4 morgoncy only, io ulaco of anotbor Drcduat. he utilisé, en cas d'urgence seulement. à la plaze d'un Utra produit, mais seulement après avia de per- SOMO1 tochniquownt qualifié de la nation qui utilise le produit et qui en définira les Imites d'emploi (u-6). NUMERO DE CODE CITAN Lettre et numéro d'identlfi- cation attribu68 à un article répondant à der sphificatíoni qui ont it6 agréées par un accord de normalisation OTAN (AAP-6). ALLOCATION OF BLOCltj/REPARTITION DES TRaNCHES DE NUMEROS r' -I ','i {.::;r:. CODE LWD BLOCK mERS MAS SERVICE BOARD NUMBERS ! - CODES ET TRANCEES DE "EROS "ER3 YES DIVERS BUREAU 6MS L-- I 1-12 to/; 99 Air F-12 to/& F-45 F-1012 to& F-i045 a/et F- 1 016 A!ny/Torrs C-16 F-74 F-1072 F-1012 to/% 1099 " C-1099 Navy/nCr F-75 " F-99 F- 1075 II 0-112 to/à 349 Air 0-1 12 0-1750 0-1 112 I 5-1 175 11 0-;
