ISO 5210-2017 工业阀门--多回转阀门驱动装置的附件 Industrial valves — Multi-turn valve actuator attachments
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- 标准编号:ISO 5210-2017
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2024-01-09
- 下载次数:次
This document specifies the requirements for the attachment of multi-turn actuators to valves. Throughout this document, “actuator” may be understood as “actuator and/or gearbox” providing a multi-turn and/or linear output. It specifies: — flange dimensions necessary for the attachment of actuators to industrial valves [see Figure 1 a)] or to intermediate supports [see Figure 1 b)]; — those driving component dimensions of actuators which are necessary to attach them to the driven components; — reference values for torque and thrust for flanges having the dimensions specified in this document. NOTE 1 In this document, the term “valve” may also be understood to include “valve with an intermediate support” [see Figure 1 b)]. NOTE 2 When a combination of a multi-turn actuator and separate multi-turn/linear gearbox is coupled to form an actuator, the multi-turn attachment to the gearbox is in accordance with this document [see Figures 1 c) and 1 d)]. A combination of a multi-turn actuator with integral multi-turn/linear gearbox supplied as an actuator is in accordance with Figures 1 a) and 1 b).nd edition 2017-03 Industrial valves — Multi-turn valve actuator attachments Robinetterie industrielle — Raccordement des actionneurs multitours aux appareils de robinetterie Reference number ISO 5210:2017(E) ? ISO 2017 ISO 5210:2017(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ? ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, n
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