ISO 15800-2019 土壤质量--与人类接触有关的土壤特性 Soil quality — Characterization of soil with respect to human exposure
- 标准类别:
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- 标准编号:ISO 15800-2019
- 标准状态:现行
- 更新时间:2024-01-31
- 下载次数:次
This document provides guidance on the type and extent of soil characterization necessary for the evaluation of human exposure to substances present in possibly leading to adverse effects.
It does not provide guidance on:
— the design or selection of numerical models that can be used to estimate exposure;
— potential exposure to radioactivity, pathogens or asbestos in soil.
Background information is provided on human health related to exposure to soil and the influence on exposure via different pathways.
NOTE 1 For convenience “soil” in this document also includes “soil material” unless stated otherwise.
NOTE 2 Overall exposure can be due to potentially harmful substances (PHSs) in soil, groundwater and air. Exposure to those in soil can be direct (e.g. through inhalation, ingestion, cutaneous contact), or indirect (through the consumption of plants or animals that have taken up substances of concern).
NOTE 3 The evaluation of the possible impact on human health of potentially harmful substances is most commonly required when these are present as a result of human activity (e.g. on old industrial sites) but can sometimes be required when they are present naturally.
NOTE 4 Soil characterization precedes the assessment of the compatibility between soil and its use (i.e. soil quality assessment). Tools such as a conceptual site model (CSM) and health risk assessment can be used to aid this assessment.
NOTE 5 Soil characterization can be used to develop an overview of population exposure to soil. Other International Standards are available that can aid the characterization of other media (e.g. surface and groundwater), in terms of their possible adverse effects on humans.
nd edition
Soil quality — Characterization of soil
with respect to human exposure
Qualité du sol — Caractérisation des sols en lien avec l'évaluation de
l'exposition des personnes
Reference number
ISO 15800:2019(E)
ISO 2019
ISO 15800:2019(E)
? ISO 2019
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required
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