澳大利亚2015-16年度报告TAI Annual Report 2015-16(2015-2016)
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- 更新时间:2021-09-09
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改进就是改变;完美就是经常改变。如果我们接受温斯顿•丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)的话,那么2015-16年已经让我们接近完美。这是一个重大变革的时期。首先,在2015年年中,我们的执行董事从Richard Denniss无缝切换到Ben Oquist。我曾在多个不同行业的许多组织中工作,这些组织都经历过重大的人事变动,我可以诚实地说,这是我所见过的最平稳、最快乐、最有效的一次人事变动。当然,理查德没有离开澳大利亚经济研究所,但仍然是我们的首席经济学家。因此,他继续研究、写作和谈论澳大利亚的进步思想和政策。事实上,理查德已经变得更加多产,而澳大利亚只能从中受益。此外,本奥奎斯特将其无与伦比的战略头脑和政治智慧带入执行董事的角色。无论是通过经济手段,还是通过媒体报道,还是通过较少的数量,还是通过政治效果,本都把这个机构带到了一个新的高度。2016年年中发生了进一步的重大变化。林哈特菲尔德-多兹在担任主席5年后辞职,以担任政府高级职位。虽然我们为林的职业发展感到高兴,但她的领导能力将被我们深深怀念。林是我所服务过的研究所唯一的主席,我必须说,她谦逊而坚强的领导才能支撑了研究所今天的力量。我们会想念她的。作为取代林的新主席,我带着既兴奋又恐惧的心情开始了我的任期。我为自己担任的这个充满活力、目标明确、和谐高效的组织感到兴奋。意识到自己承担了多么重要的任务,我感到惶恐不安。对我的孩子们,对所有的后代,甚至对我们现在的人口来说,我们必须解决不平等问题,我们必须应对气候变化,我们必须打破新自由主义对经济话语的束缚,我们必须听到进步的声音,我们必须有效地发出这些声音。作为美国领先的进步智库,我们肩负着令人敬畏的责任。似乎是为了证明丘吉尔是对的,在这些重大变革中,过去的一年取得了一些非凡的成功。在2016年的联邦选举中,养老金公平和负扣税是关键问题,这两个“不可触及”的问题已经通过研究所多年的工作被提上了国家议程。煤炭行业继续失去社会执照,因为该协会继续强调其大规模的政府补贴和有问题的经济。一年前看似疯狂的全球暂停开采煤矿的想法,如今已得到认真讨论,并在理查德•丹尼斯(Richard Denniss)的开创性工作之后,被几个主要煤炭生产国采纳。在联邦选举之后,可再生能源再次受到攻击,原因是ARENA的资金削减计划和南澳大利亚风暴。研究所再次展示了它的敏捷性和响应能力,在适当的时候将高质量的研究引入争论,以达到最大的效果。同样,在选举后,当削减Newstart似乎是毫无疑问的时候,该机构及时采取行动,防止削减最贫困的澳大利亚人的收入。2016年11月,我们继续向“完美”迈进,学院将迁往Manuka,成为一个容纳进步组织的新空间的主要租户。通过这一进一步的改变,在一个物理空间中加入志同道合的人,我们可以加强合作,扩大声音,提高整个进步运动的效率。能成为这样一个组织的一员,我感到非常自豪。我要感谢我们的董事会,特别是那些完成他们的任期在这个AGM -斯宾塞齐福萨克,山姆哈迪,当然还有林哈特菲尔德-多兹。对于那些加入董事会的人,欢迎——你有很大的空间。也感谢研究委员会。它们在确保我们的研究保持高质量和相关性方面起着至关重要的作用。我们很荣幸在委员会中有这样一群高素质的人,我们研究的有效性证明了他们所做的工作。最后,我们所做的任何工作都离不开资金。对于过去一年里支持我们工作的人:非常感谢。如果你已经成为一个固定的捐助者,加倍感谢。你们对一个更好、更公平、更进步的澳大利亚的信念让我们继续前进。无论你付出的多还是少,在这个项目中你都是我们宝贵的合作伙伴。
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. If we accept Winston Churchill’s words, then 2015-16 has brought us close to perfection. It has been a period of major change. Firstly, in mid 2015 we had a seamless change of Executive Director from Richard Denniss to Ben Oquist. Having worked in numerous organisations across several diverse industries that have had major personnel transitions I can honestly say that this was the smoothest, happiest and most effective I have ever witnessed. Of course, Richard did not leave The Australia Institute but remains our Chief Economist. As such, he continues to research, write and speak about progressive ideas and policies for Australia. In fact, Richard has become even more prolific and Australia can only be the beneficiary of this. Furthermore, Ben Oquist has brought to the Executive Director role his peerless strategic mind and political wisdom. Whether it be measured financially, through media coverage or less quantitatively, via political effectiveness, Ben has taken the Institute to new heights. In mid 2016 a further significant change took place. Lin Hatfield-Dodds stepped down as chair after 5 years in the role in order to take up a senior government position. While we were happy for Lin’s career advancement, her leadership will be sorely missed. Lin has been the only chair of the Institute I have served under and I must say her example of humble but strong leadership underpins the strength of the Institute today. She will be missed. As the new chair replacing Lin, I start my tenure with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Excitement at the energetic, purposeful, harmonious and highly effective organization I find myself chairing. Trepidation in realizing what a vital task I have taken on. For my children, for all future generations and indeed, for our current population, it is just so vital that we address inequality, that we tackle climate change, that the neo-liberal stranglehold on economic discourse is broken, that progressive voices are heard and are effective. As the leading progressive think tank in the country we carry an awesome responsibility. As if to prove Churchill right, in the midst of these major changes, the past year has seen some extraordinary successes. At the 2016 federal election superannuation fairness and negative gearing were key issues, both “untouchable” issues having been put on the national agenda through years of work by the Institute. The coal industry continues to lose its social license as the Institute has continued to highlight its massive government subsidies and questionable economics. The idea of a global coal mine moratorium, seemingly crazy a year ago, is now seriously discussed and has been adopted by several major coal producing countries following Richard Denniss’s groundbreaking work. Post the Federal Election renewable energy was again under attack, via proposed funding cuts to ARENA and following the South Australian storms. Again, the Institute displayed its agility and responsiveness to bring quality research into the debate at the right time to maximum effect. Similarly, also post election, when a cut to Newstart seemed unquestioned, the Institute rose to the occasion and prevented a cut to the incomes of the poorest Australians. In November 2016 our march towards “perfection” continues when the Institute moves to Manuka as the lead tenant in a new space to house progressive organisations. Through this further change, to join like-minded others in a physical space we can enhance collaboration, amplify voices and increase effectiveness across the whole progressive movement. I am very proud to be part of such an organization. I would like to thank our board, especially those finishing their terms at this AGM – Spencer Zifcak, Sam Hardy and of course Lin Hatfield-Dodds. For those joining the board, welcome – you have big shoes to fill. Thanks also to the Research Committee. They play a vital role in ensuring our research remains top quality and relevant. We are privileged to have a group of such high caliber people on the committee and the effectiveness of our research is testament to the job they have done. Finally, none of the work we do can take place without financial resources. To those who have supported our work over the past year: a huge thank you. If you have become a regular donor, double thanks. Your belief in a better, fairer, more progressive Australia, keeps us going. Whether you give a lot or a little, you are valued partners with us in this project.
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