中国风力发电:一个警示故事Wind Power in China: A cautionary tale
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- 更新时间:2021-09-09
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在过去10年中,中国风电的部署前所未有,其容量从2005年的1.26千兆瓦增长到2013年底的91.4千兆瓦(全球风能理事会,2014年)。1尽管如此,所遇到的问题包括资源分配不均,电力供需区位不同,需要扩大国内产业,需要实现财政支持的适度平衡。这些问题已经得到了一些成功的解决;但是,其他问题仍然存在,例如风电并网的延迟和并网农场发电量的削减,需要加以解决,以确保该国未来风电发展的成功。 本报告将深入研究中国风电发展背后的驱动因素,以了解政策目标、政策措施和发展影响之间的复杂联系。特别是,它审议了在项目方面遇到的两个相关问题,即发电量减少和延误,以及如何解决这些问题。该报告旨在找出可吸取的经验教训,为中国和其他国家未来的政策措施提供参考。 分析发现,导致这两个突出问题的原因有技术、治理和经济因素。在延迟并网方面,技术因素是国家风电资源的扩张已经超过输电建设。在治理方面,我们看到风电场和电网建设规划不统一,电网建设重视不够,国家和国家两级监督协调不够。在经济上,电网运营商的支持比电力发展的支持要弱。 在削减方面,电力供需不匹配。这里的技术因素是,在电力需求增长与电力供应增长不匹配的地区,出现了削减,导致电力“外溢”。有限的输电能力也阻止了能源从供应地区转移到需求最大的地区。增加和减少常规煤电的技术问题(意味着速度慢/很难做到)也意味着,如果需要削减,风力通常更容易削减。治理方面缺乏一体化,类似于延迟连接的情况,是一个促成因素,导致在查明和解决这一问题方面出现延误,包括通过执行条例。此外,在基本层面上,政府一直以发电量为目标,而不是发电量。对于电网运营商来说,也没有经济激励机制来将风力发电转移到其他发电形式以抵消运营风险。固定支付不提供额外的奖励热发电机作为储备风或采取灵活的方式,以支持增加风力发电(或至少防止削减)。
Over the last 10 years, China has seen an unprecedented deployment of wind power, with capacity growing from 1.26 gigawatts (GW) in 2005 to 91.4 GW at the end of 2013 (Global Wind Energy Council, 2014).1 Notwithstanding this impressive growth, the problems encountered have included uneven resource distribution, differing location of supply and demand of power, the need to expand domestic industry and the need to achieve a proper balance of financial supports. These issues have been addressed with some success; however, others persist, such as delay in connection of wind power to the grid and curtailment of generated power from connected farms, and need to be resolved to ensure the success of future wind power development in the country. This report takes a closer look at the drivers behind the impressive wind power development in China in order to understand the complex connection between the policy goals, policy measures and development impact. In particular, it considers two related issues that have been encountered—curtailment of generation and delays in connection of projects—and how these are being addressed. The report aims to identify the lessons to be learned to inform future policy measures in China and elsewhere. The analysis finds that there are technical, governance and economic factors that have given rise to these two prominent issues. With respect to delayed connection, the technical factor is that the expansion of national wind power resources has outpaced the construction of transmission. On the governance side, we see that construction plans for wind farms and grids are not aligned, grid construction was not emphasized enough, and there was insufficient state-level oversight and coordination between the national and state levels. Economically, grid operator supports are weaker than those for power development. With respect to curtailment, there is a mismatch between supply and demand of power. The technical factor here is that curtailment has occurred in areas when growth in power demand has not matched power supply growth, leading to a “spillage” of power. Limited transmission capacity also prevents moving energy from regions of supply to where demand is greatest. Technical issues with ramping up and down conventional coal power (meaning it is slow/difficult to do) also mean that wind is often easier to curtail if curtailment is needed. A lack of integration in governance, similar to the situation in delayed connection, is a contributing factor, leading to delays in identifying and addressing this problem, including through enforcement of regulations. Additionally, at a fundamental level, the government has always targeted capacity as opposed to generation. There are also no economic incentives for grid operators to dispatch wind over other forms of generation to offset operational risks. Fixed payments provide no additional reward for thermal generators to act as reserve to wind or act in a flexible manner to support increased wind power (or at least prevent curtailment).The government has acknowledged these issues and taken steps to address them. The 2012 White Paper on China’s energy policy highlights the need to increase grid capacity. The 12th Five-Year Plan (FYP) also refers to the need to coordinate development of both grid and capacity, and there is a suggestion that the next FYP will address planning, development and integration with the goal of resolving curtailment. From a technical standpoint, forecasting, load balancing and storage, and increased connectivity are proposed to deal with the issues of connecting energy to the grid and ensuring that areas of supply and demand are properly linked. Strengthened central planning has been implemented to address governance challenges. Reformed economic incentives have also been proposed to address the economic challenges with curtailment and delayed connection. These are all examined in detail in Section 3. In some ways, China’s current challenges with wind power can be considered in terms of the country being a victim of its own success. Capacity has expanded rapidly, and the domestic industry has grown at an impressive rate. Rather than a lack of supply, the challenges of curtailment and delayed connection are issues of getting supply to demand. This could be seen as an enviable problem by many countries looking to expand renewables, but it is a problem nonetheless.-
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