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世界煤炭市场发展-世界煤炭生产和海运贸易发展,全球煤炭供应过剩与需求增长不够快的情况在2014年继续存在。因此,2014年物价仍面临压力。仅2013年10月至2014年7月,动力煤价格就从89美元/吨降至72美元/吨,降幅约为20%。炼焦煤价格也是如此。炼焦煤和焦炭的价格在2014年也出现下跌,原因是需求普遍下滑,同时供应也出现扩张。尽管截至2013年底,炼焦煤的价格仍在每吨135美元至140美元之间,但这一水平已在不断下降。这种发展在2014年继续占据主导地位;截至2014年年中,HCC质量的现货价格已跌至每吨116美元。在德国,目前最大的问题是风能和其他可再生能源越来越多地进入电网。德国的风电装机容量为34吉瓦,光伏并网装机容量为35吉瓦。在波兰,2014年第一季度的硬煤产量达到17.9吨,而2013年同期为18.7吨。在英国,2013年的煤炭产量下降了约4.5吨,在过去的7-8年里,煤炭产量一直稳定在16.5至18吨之间,原因是道夫磨坊煤矿(Daw Mill colliery)的关闭、苏格兰煤炭公司(Scottish coal)的破产以及马尔茨比煤矿(Maltby)的关闭。2013年,西班牙的硬煤产量为7.8万吨,占发电煤量的15%,远低于目标。西班牙的经济形势和政治问题使得煤矿开采非常困难。在捷克共和国,2013年的硬煤产量下降了四分之一,但在2014年前三个月又增加了26%。在罗马尼亚,2013年的煤炭净消费量与2012年相比下降了27%。在综合矿山和火力发电厂中,奥坦尼亚能源综合设施是最大的。在乌克兰,2014年前5个月开采了34.4吨煤(25.1吨蒸汽煤和9.3吨焦煤),比2013年的产量高出1.2%。乌克兰的出口增长了,尤其是对中国和印度的出口,但在2013年乌格莱格斯卡(Uglegorska)热电厂3号和4号机组在一场大火后重新启动后,国内需求也出现了增长。在瑞典,2013年的能源政策没有改变。可以建造一个新的核电站来取代旧的机组。褐煤在德国,褐煤工业的重要发展发生在这个国家的东部,那里Vattenfall协商后续的新许可证的露天活动Nochten不久将开始,包括安置大约700公民,而且,在勃兰登堡,安置在露天矿山Welzow也将从2014年开始,尽管绿色和平组织以及其他组织抗议活动。在捷克共和国,预计未来数年褐煤年产量将保持在40吨。在希腊,褐煤主要用于发电。由于气候温和,2013年的用电量小幅下降至50.7千瓦时,而2008年的峰值为56.9千瓦时。2013年,波兰的褐煤产量为65.7吨,经过多年的稳定增长(2007年为61.6吨),在中西部地区仍有巨大的储量。在保加利亚,国内电力市场是建立在双边合同的基础上,有一个平衡的市场。在匈牙利,煤炭仍然是一种重要的燃料:2013年褐煤产量为9.1吨,进口总量为1.6吨。在斯洛文尼亚,第二发电厂Šoštanj旁边,Trbovlje电厂2014年9月15日被关闭。在斯洛伐克,预计意大利电力公司ENEL将出售其股票在国家发电厂捷克ČEZ组。
WORLD COAL MARKET DEVELOPMENTS - WORLD COAL PRODUCTION AND SEABORNE TRADE Developments in which a worldwide surplus in the supply of coal runs into demand which is not growing fast enough continued in 2014. Prices remained under pressure in 2014 as a result. From October 2013 to July 2014 alone, prices for steam coal fell from US$89/tonne to US$72/tonne, about 20%. The same is true of coking coal prices. Both coking coal and coke prices declined also in 2014 because of the general slump in demand accompanied by a simultaneous expansion in supply. While prices between US$135 and US$140/tonne were still being paid for coking coal at the end of 2013, this level had continuously decreased. This development continues to hold sway in 2014; as of the middle of 2014, spot prices for HCC quality had fallen to US$116/tonne.HARD COAL In Germany, the biggest current issue is the increasing feed-in of wind and other renewable power into the grid. Germany has 34 GW of installed wind capacity and 35 GW of installed photovoltaic capacity connected to the grid. In Poland, hard coal production for the first quarter of 2014 reached 17.9 Mt against 18.7 Mt for the same period in 2013. In the United Kingdom, coal production decreased by around 4.5 Mt in 2013, after having been stable for 7-8 years at between 16.5 and 18 Mt, due to the closure of Daw Mill colliery, the liquidation of Scottish Coal and the closure of Maltby colliery.In Spain, hard coal production in 2013 was 7.8 Mt with a share of coal in power generation of 15% which is far below the target. The economic situation and political problems in Spain make coal mining very difficult. In the Czech Republic, hard coal production in 2013 dropped by one quarter, but increased again in the first three months of 2014 by 26%.In Romania, net coal consumption decreased in 2013 by a massive 27% compared with 2012. Of the integrated mines and coal-fired power plants, the Oltenia Energy Complex is the biggest. In Ukraine, 34.4 Mt of coal was mined during the first five months of 2014 (25.1 Mt steam coal and 9.3 Mt coking coal), 1.2% above 2013 production. Exports from Ukraine grew, especially to China and India, but domestic demand also grew after units 3 & 4 restarted at Uglegorska thermal power station following a major fire in 2013. In Sweden, energy policy was unchanged in 2013. A new nuclear power plant could be constructed, replacing old units. LIGNITEIn Germany, important developments in the lignite industry are taking place in the eastern part of the country, where Vattenfall negotiated new permits for the follow-on of its opencast activities at Nochten which will begin shortly, including the resettlement of some 1 700 citizens, and, in Brandenburg, resettlement near opencast mine Welzow will also start in 2014, despite protests by Greenpeace and others. In the Czech Republic, annual lignite output is expected to be maintained at a level of 40 Mt for the years to come.In Greece, lignite is mainly used for power generation. Due to mild weather, electricity consumption fell slightly in 2013 to 50.7 GWh compared with the peak in 2008 of 56.9 GWh.In 2013, Poland produced 65.7 Mt of lignite, showing a stable increase over a number of years (from 61.6 Mt in 2007) and still having huge reserves in the central and western parts of the country.In Bulgaria, the internal electric power market is built on the basis of bilateral contracts with a balancing market.In Hungary, coal remains an important fuel: lignite production in 2013 was 9.1 Mt and imports totalled 1.6 Mt.In Slovenia, the second power plant beside Šoštanj, Trbovlje power plant was shut down on 15 September 2014.In Slovakia, it is expected that the Italian power company ENEL will sell its shares in national power plants to the Czech ČEZ Group.
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