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发电预计成本_2015年版Projected Costs of Generating Electricity_2015 edition 发电预计成本_2015年版Projected Costs of Generating Electricity_2015 edition

发电预计成本_2015年版Projected Costs of Generating Electricity_2015 edition

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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电力是增长最快的最终能源形式,尽管其与脱碳努力的相关性日益增强,但电力部门的未来构成仍不确定。随着政策制定者努力确保电力部门可靠和负担得起,同时使其变得越来越清洁和可持续,更重要的是,他们必须了解是什么决定了使用化石燃料、核或可再生技术发电的相对成本。这本第八版的《发电成本预测》(Projected Costs of Generation Electricity)深入研究了所有主要发电技术的发电平准化成本(LCoE),揭示了一些对决策者有意义的有趣发现。本报告利用了一个数据库,其中包括比前一版更多的技术和更多的国家,重申了前一版的许多见解和教训。不同发电技术成本的驱动因素仍然是特定于市场和技术的。低碳技术仍然是高度资本密集型技术,其总体成本在很大程度上取决于资本成本。与此同时,煤炭和天然气发电的相对成本在很大程度上取决于燃料成本,如果这些政策得到充分实施,二氧化碳排放的价格也将受到影响。出现的一个关键趋势是,由于采用了改进的技术和政府的持续支持,近年来可再生能源发电成本显著下降。报告还显示,尽管不断有相反的报告,核能成本仍与其他基本负荷技术的成本保持一致。然而,在任何情况下,没有一种技术可以说是最便宜的。相反,市场结构、政策环境和资源禀赋都在决定任何给定投资的最终平准化成本方面发挥着重要作用。这项研究的重点是lcoe指标,因为它对决策者来说仍然很有价值,因为它相对简单,便于比较。尽管如此,在一个电力市场自由化、可变可再生能源发电渗透性不断提高的世界里,lcoe的相关性受到质疑。国际能源机构(iea)和核能机构(nea)首次合作,试图以正式方式解决这一问题。本报告由IEA执行董事、NEA总干事和经合组织秘书长负责发布。它反映了经合组织成员国和非成员国与会专家的集体意见,但不一定是其母组织或政府的意见。

Electricity is the fastest-growing final form of energy, and yet despite its increasing relevance to decarbonisation efforts, the future composition of the power sector remains uncertain. As policy makers work to ensure that the power sector is reliable and affordable, while making it increasingly clean and sustainable, it is ever more crucial that they understand what determines the relative cost of electricity generation using fossil fuel, nuclear or renewable technologies. This eighth edition of Projected Costs of Generating Electricity, which examines in depth the levelised costs of electricity (LCOE) generation for all main electricity generating technologies, reveals a number of interesting findings that have implications for policy makers. Drawing on a database that includes a greater variety of technologies and a larger number of countries than previous editions, this report reaffirms many of the insights and lessons of the prior editions. The drivers of the cost of different generating technologies remain both market- and technology-specific. Low-carbon technologies remain highly capital intensive, and their overall cost depends significantly on the cost of capital. The relative cost of coal and natural gas-fired generation, meanwhile, is heavily contingent on fuel costs and, should such policies be fully implemented, the price of CO 2 emissions. One key trend that emerges is the significant decline in recent years in the cost of renewable generation as a result of the use of improved technologies and continued governmental support. The report also reveals that nuclear energy costs remain in line with the cost of other baseload technologies, despite persistent reports to the contrary. No single technology, however, can be said to be the cheapest under all circumstances. Rather, market structure, the policy environment and resource endowments all play a strong role in determining the final levelised cost of any given investment. This study focuses on the LCOE metric because it remains valuable to policy makers for its relative simplicity and the ease with which it allows for comparability. Nevertheless, the relevance of LCOE in a world with liberalised power markets and increasing penetrations of variable renewable generation has been called into question. For the first time both the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) have worked together to try to address this question in a formal way. This report is published under the responsibility of the IEA Executive Director, the NEA Director- General and the OECD Secretary-General. It reflects the collective views of the participating experts from OECD member and non-member countries, though not necessarily those of their parent organisations or governments.
