澳大利亚能源资源评估Australian Energy Resource Assessment
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- 更新时间:2021-09-09
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• This is an update to the first national assessment of Australia’s energy resources released in 2010. This assessment provides a snapshot of Australia’s identified and potential energy resources—ranging from fossil fuels and uranium to renewables—and reviews the factors likely to influence the future use of Australia’s energy resources. • Australia has an abundance and diversity of energy resources. Since 2010, the estimated total demonstrated non-renewable energy resources, with the exception of oil, has increased. Australia continues to have the world’s largest economic uranium resources, the fourth largest coal (black and brown) resources, and substantial conventional and unconventional gas resources. This globally significant resource base is capable of meeting both domestic and increased export demand for coal and gas, and uranium exports, during the next several decades. There is good potential for further growth of the resource base through new discoveries. Identified resources of crude oil, condensate and liquefied petroleum gas are more limited, and Australia is increasingly reliant on imports for transport fuels. • Australia has a rich diversity of renewable energy resources (wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, wave, tidal, bioenergy). Hydro energy resources are already mostly developed. Since 2010, wind and solar energy resources use has grown strongly, and is continuing to do so. Geothermal and ocean energy resources remain largely undeveloped. Renewable energy resources could contribute significantly more to Australia’s future energy supply. • Australia’s transformation to lower emissions energy sources has commenced under the influence of the renewable energy target and initiatives such as the Australian Renewable Energy Agency. • Technology development and commercialisation to improve efficiency in the extraction and use of energy, and to reduce the emissions intensity of the sector, will play a critical role in the transition to a lower emissions economy. • Australia’s energy demand is expected to rise during the next few decades; however, the rate of growth is expected to slow. This slowing is partly due to expected energy efficiency improvements and higher energy prices. The primary fuel mix is expected to change. Although coal is expected to continue to dominate Australia’s electricity generation, a shift to lower emissions fuels is expected to result in increases in gas and renewable energy—particularly wind and solar. • Australia’s energy infrastructure is concentrated in areas where energy consumption is highest and major fossil fuel energy resources are located. Greater use of new energy resources, particularly renewable energy sources, will require more flexible and decentralised electricity grids.
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