燃烧后碳捕获发电技术的现状与展望 最终报告Current and Future Technologies for Power Generation with PostCombustion Carbon
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- 更新时间:2021-09-09
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美国国家能源技术实验室(NETL)正在资助旨在改善能源状况的研究。 适应 使用燃烧后碳捕获技术。本研究的目的是为了支持 美国能源部通过完成一项“研发”的碳捕获和高级燃烧研发项目 采用燃烧后碳捕获的PC发电厂的“路径”研究。路径 以第一代超临界核电站为开端,具有燃烧后捕获的表示 今天将提供的技术。在 这项研究包括三个目前提供的燃烧后捕获 反映捕获技术的短期增强的技术。两次高级捕获 在研究和开发阶段的技术被选择用于评估 达到能源部的目标,即为碳捕获的PC设备实现电力成本,以及 CO2压缩量<35%时,PC装置无捕集。研究进展 该途径包括用于发电的蒸汽条件和CO2压缩。 这些技术还提供了提高工厂效率和降低生产成本的机会。 电。因此,技术途径包括捕获技术、电力方面的进展。 产生蒸汽的条件,和CO2的压缩。这些结果代表了未来的利益。 来自一个成功的燃烧后碳捕获技术开发项目。结果 也为指导技术开发以及度量和优先排序 研究开发的贡献。
The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) is funding research aimed at improving the performance and reducing the cost of conventional pulverized coal (PC) power plants adapted to use post-combustion carbon capture technologies. The objective of this study is to support DOE’s Carbon Capture and Advanced Combustion R&D Programs by completing an “R&D Pathway” study for PC power plants that employ post-combustion carbon capture. The pathway begins with a 1st generation supercritical plant with a representation of a post-combustion capture technology that would be offered today. The post-combustion capture technologies considered in this study include representations of three currently offered post-combustion capture technologies that reflect near-term enhancements in capture technology. Two advanced capture technologies in the research and development phase were selected to evaluate the potential for meeting the DOE goal of achieving a cost of electricity for a PC plant with carbon capture and CO2 compression that has < 35% increase over the PC plant without capture. Advances in the steam conditions for power generation and the CO2 compression are included in the pathway. These technologies also provide opportunities to increase plant efficiency and reduce the cost of electricity. The technology pathways thus include advances in the capture technology, the power generation steam conditions, and the CO2 compression. The results represent the future benefits from a successful post-combustion carbon capture technology development program. The results also provide a basis to guide technology development and to measure and prioritize the contribution of research and development.
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