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2003年11月25日,美国煤灰协会公布了2002年煤炭燃烧产物(CCP)的生产和使用数据。ACAA是一个以促进CCPs安全经济利用为宗旨的行业协会。ACAA的成员包括电力公司、CCP市场营销人员以及各种企业和大学的研究和开发机构。 该协会估计2002年总CCP产量为1.287亿吨,而2001年为1.179亿吨。这是大约9%的外推增长。2002年的数据是根据对美国近600家燃煤电厂的抽样调查得出的估计数字。这些电厂大多为投资者所有。2002年总CCP利用率估计为4550万吨,与2001年的3710万吨和31.5%相比,占35.4%。CCP总产量每年会有很大的波动,影响等因素的总量煤炭燃烧,燃烧煤炭的灰分含量(即不同的煤炭资源具有不同的内容和混合可能会改变灰生产利率),和烟气洗涤器系统治疗。 以吨位计算,粉煤灰是最大的单一类别,2002年的产量估计为7650万吨。粉煤灰是由设备收集的(如静电除尘器和织物过滤袋屋),这是工厂的空气排放控制系统的一部分。与往年一样,它对利用率的贡献最大。例如,粉煤灰可以代替混凝土产品中使用的部分波特兰水泥。2002年大约有1260万吨以这种方式使用,略高于2001年的1240万吨。2002年的总飞灰用量估计为2,650万吨,2001年为2,200万吨,增幅约为7%。ACAA的调查继续显示,尽管经济增长缓慢,建筑行业相对平淡,但粉煤灰使用量仍在增加。造成这种增长的可能原因包括:当地材料/矿物短缺、由于选矿技术而提高了粉煤灰的质量、混合设计中使用了更大比例的粉煤灰、土壤工程中增加了粉煤灰的使用以及废物稳定化或这些因素的组合。其他CCP类型在2002年也增加了生产和使用,最显著的是底灰和合成石膏。底灰用于筑路、筑堤和结构性填埋场,是砂砾的替代品,也是波特兰水泥生产的原料。底灰用量从2001年的570万吨增加到760万吨。合成石膏是通过烟气脱硫系统生产的,烟气脱硫系统是工厂空气排放控制的一部分。合成石膏的主要用途是制作墙板。使用量从2001年的约700万吨增加到780万吨。以百分比计算,2002年底灰及脱硫石膏的使用率上升,是主要原因(即2001年的31.5%至2002年的35.4%)。预计这一趋势将继续下去,特别是对合成石膏而言,因为发电厂继续增加新的烟气洗涤系统。行业预期CCP的生产和使用将在未来增长。许多公司与由美国环境保护署(Environmental Protection Agency)和美国能源部(Department of Energy)发起的煤炭燃烧产品伙伴关系(C2P2)合作,希望为ccp找到新的用途,并识别和减少与增加利用相关的潜在障碍。ACAA收集的数据代表了公用事业行业的自愿响应。This year’s 反应 占 大约 65% 的 investorowned US. 发电 站数据的平衡是根据美国能源情报署(EIA)收集的信息推断出来的,并通过CCP工业以外的来源验证,如水泥和混凝土的生产和使用,合成石膏和底灰。有些数据,例如不同类型的FGD材料、FBC灰和锅炉炉渣,由于没有可供比较的外部来源,只是简单地报告为已收到,而没有推断。
On November 25, 2003 the American Coal Ash Association released the coal combustion product (CCP) production and use data for calendar year 2002. ACAA is a trade association whose purpose is to advance the safe and economic utilization of CCPs. ACAA’s membership includes electric utilities, CCP marketers, and various corporate and university research and development institutions.
The Association estimates an overall 2002 CCP production total of 128.7 million tons as compared to 117.9 million tons in 2001. This is an extrapolated increase of about 9%. The 2002 figures are estimates based on a sampling survey of nearly 600 coal-fueled power plants in the U.S. Most of these facilities are investor-owned utilities. Overall CCP utilization for 2002 is estimated at 45.5 million tons, or 35.4% compared to 37.1 million tons and 31.5 % for 2001. Total CCP production can vary significantly from year to year and is influenced by such factors as the total amount of coal burned, ash content of the coal burned (i.e. different coals sources possess different ash contents and blending may change ash production rates), and the amount of flue gas treated by scrubber systems.
On a tonnage basis, fly ash was the largest individual category with 2002 production estimated at 76.5 million tons. Fly ash is collected by equipment (such as electrostatic precipitators and fabric filter bag houses), which is part of the plant’s air emissions control systems. As in prior years, it contributed the largest percentage of utilization. For example, fly ash can be substituted for a portion of the portland cement used in concrete products. Approximately 12.6 million tons was used this way in 2002, up slightly from 12.4 million tons in 2001. The total fly ash usage for 2002 is estimated at 26.5 million tons compared to 22.0 million tons in 2001, about a 7% increase. ACAA surveys continue to show that fly ash usage is increasing notwithstanding a slow economy and a relatively flat construction industry. Possible explanations for this growth include local material/mineral shortages, improved fly ash quality due to beneficiation technologies, larger percentages of fly as used in mix-designs, increased usage of fly ash in soil projects and waste stabilization or a combination of several of these factors.
Other CCP types also increased in production and use during 2002, most notably bottom ash and synthetic gypsum. Bottom ash is used in roadwork, embankments, and structural fills where it is a substitute for sand and gravel and as raw feedstock for portland cement manufacturing. Bottom ash use increased to 7.6 million tons, up significantly from 5.7 million tons in 2001. Synthetic gypsum is produced by flue gas desulfurization systems, which are part of a plant’s air emission controls. The primary use of synthetic gypsum is in the making of wallboard. Usage increased to 7.8 million tons up from approximately 7.0 million in 2001. On a percentage basis, increases in bottom ash and FGD gypsum utilization rates for 2002 account for most of the industry’s upward trend of CCP utilization (i.e. 31.5% in 2001 to 35.4% in 2002). This trend is expected to continue, particularly for synthetic gypsum, as power plants continue to add new flue gas scrubbing systems.
The industry anticipates CCP production and use to grow in the future. Working with the Coal Combustion Products Partnership (C2P2), sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, many companies hope to find new uses for CCPs and to identify and reduce potential barriers associated with increased utilization. The data collected by ACAA represents voluntary responses from the utility industry. This year’s responses account for approximately 65% of the investorowned electric generating stations in the US. The balance of the data is extrapolated from information gathered by the Energy Information Agency (EIA) and validated by sources outside the CCP industry for applications such as cement and concrete production and use, synthetic gypsum and bottom ash. Some data, such as for different types of FGD material, FBC ash and boiler slag, is simply reported as received and not extrapolated as there are no outside sources to compare.
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