韩国总体需求展望Korea Eneray Demand Outlook
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- 更新时间:2021-09-09
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能源消费趋势 1.二季度一次能源消费初步统计为6300万吨,同比增长1.3%,这是由于天气转暖以及全球经济增长持续减速引发韩国经济放缓所致。 韩国经济以2%的速度增长。第二季度为3%,全国工业生产指数仅增长0.2%。 气温较上年同期偏高,导致供暖度日(HDD)同比下降20%。
Trends on Energy Consumption
1.Primary energy consumption for the second quarter was tentatively tallied at 63.0 million toe, a year-on-year rise of 1.3%.
—This is attributable to warm weather as well as the slowdown in the Korean economy,triggered by continued deceleration in global economic growth.
1)The Korean economy grew at a rate of 2. 3% in the second quarter, and the nation's index of industrial production rose a mere 0.2%.
2) Temperatures were higher than during the same period of the previous year, leading to a year-on-year drop of 20 0% in the heating degree day (HDD).
3) Temperatures have greater influence on energy consumption when the economy grows more slowly.
2.Excluding energy for raw material use (non-energy oil, coking coal), primary enargy consumption rose 0.6% in the second quarter.
1)A 9.5% rise in naphtha consumption resulted in a slight rise in the primary energy consumpton increase rate.
2)Energy for raw material use accounted for 27% of primary energy consumption in the second quarter.
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