鄂尔多斯盆地延长组特低渗透油藏CO2储层和EOR (2016)Yanchang Petroleum Report 2 CO2 storage and EOR in ultra-low permeabi
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The Yanchang Petroleum Group’s Carbon Capture and Utilisation Project is located in the northern Shaanxi Province, China and focuses on the Triassic Yanchang Formation on the eastern slope of Ordos Basin. Ordos Basin in north western China is the most important energy-chemical base with abundant oil, gas and coal resources. The Yanchang Formation hosts a series of oil fields that are low and ultra-low permeability oil-bearing reservoirs. These reservoirs are typical of the basin, where the reservoir permeability is less than 1 x 10-3 μm2 (1 millidarcy, mD); these accumulations account for 60% of Yanchang total proven reserves. The tight reservoirs contain huge oil reserves and are the key to maintain steady and increasing yields from the Yanchang Formation. However, the arid and semi-arid northern Shaanxi Province, has a lack of water to conduct water flooding development, which is needed to increase oil production. Improving the efficiency of the development of low and ultra-low permeability oil-bearing reservoirs in the northern Shaanxi Province with a lack of water becomes a technical problem for Ordos Basin’s oil and gas development projects.
下一条:环境概要:财政援助筹资机会公告DE-PS26-04NT42061(2005)Environmental Synopsis:Financial Assistance Funding Opportunit
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