首页 > 资料下载 > 随着燃煤发电量的减少,英国电网转型,可再生能源和可靠发电可以填补这一空白。Electricity-grid Transition in the U.K As Coal-fired Generation
随着燃煤发电量的减少,英国电网转型,可再生能源和可靠发电可以填补这一空白。Electricity-grid Transition in the U.K As Coal-fired Generation 随着燃煤发电量的减少,英国电网转型,可再生能源和可靠发电可以填补这一空白。Electricity-grid Transition in the U.K As Coal-fired Generation

随着燃煤发电量的减少,英国电网转型,可再生能源和可靠发电可以填补这一空白。Electricity-grid Transition in the U.K As Coal-fired Generation

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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This report presents a detailed recent snapshot of the U.K. electricity market. It specifically assesses the performance of this market, four years after reforms were implemented that were intended to increase the cost-effectiveness of new-build renewable power and bolster grid security by incentivising reliable new generation. The hope at the time of the reforms was that the introduction of capacity markets — mechanisms by which standby power is subsidized — would prepare the U.K. adequately for a modernized energy security. So far, the effort has done little more than support the status quo.
