碳捕获和储存:Sustai Nabi li ty i n the UK Energy Mi xCARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE: SUSTAI NABI LI TY I N THE
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- 更新时间:2021-09-09
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气候变化是真实的,但化石燃料的可接受限度还不确定。对海洋的影响可能是长期的,对人类的影响是未知的。英国政府试图将气候变化议程置于所有行动的中心。瑞典预计到2021年实现石油自由,挪威在二氧化碳地质储存方面处于世界领先地位,加拿大在全尺寸低二氧化碳燃煤发电站建设方面处于世界领先地位,任何国家都比英国拥有20-100万x m的可再生能源发电能力。相比之下,英国的二氧化碳排放量在上升,航空燃料的销量在增加,核电的更新换代只需要减少8%的电力部门的二氧化碳排放(以及潜在的开支),而可再生能源和碳捕获和封存技术由于政府资金不足,或者缺乏直接的商业和工业价值而停滞不前。
Climate change is real, but the acceptable lim its of fossil fuel em issions are uncertain. The effects on oceans m ay be term inal, with unknown consequences for hum ans. The UK Governm ent prom ises to place the clim ate agenda at the centre of all actions. Sweden anticipates oil freedom by 2021, Norway is a world leader in CO2 geo-storage, Canada is world leader the construction of full-size low CO2 coal power stations, Germ any has 20-100 x m ore power from diverse renewables than the UK. By contrast, UK CO2 em issions are rising, sales of aviation fuel increase, and nuclear electricity renewal dom inates news m edia (and potentially, expenditure) to reduce just 8% of power sector CO2, whilst renewables and CCS languish with lower-tier Governm ent funding, or lack of im m ediate business and industrial value.
上一条:未能实现23%的目标:阻碍印度尼西亚可再生能源发展的障碍Missing the 23 Per Cent Target: Roadblocks to the development of renewab
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