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煤炭的开采对原住民的传统生活方式和该地区的社会经济状况产生了深远的影响。 CIL坚定地树立了这样一种信念,即居住在矿区的人是矿山发展过程中的重要利益相关者。 作为公司社会责任(CSR)任务的一部分,CIL及其子公司承担着不同的责任 为SC和ST人口的利益在煤田地区内和周围的福利活动。 创建社区资产,如供应饮用水、建造校舍、检查水坝、村庄 道路,连接道路和涵洞,药房和医院,社区中心等。 提高认识方案和社区活动,如卫生营、医疗援助、家庭福利营、艾滋病意识 计划、免疫营地、促进体育和文化活动、社会林业等。
Mining of coal has profound impact on the traditional lifestyle of the original inhabitants and the socio-economic profile of the area. CIL has strongly fostered the belief that people living in mining areas are important stakeholders in the process of mine development. As part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mandate, CIL and its subsidiary companies are undertaking different welfare activities, in and around the coalfield-areas for the benefit of SC and ST population. Creation of community assets like provision for potable drinking water, construction of school buildings, check dams, village roads, link roads and culverts, dispensaries and hospitals, community centers etc. Awareness programmes and community activities like health camps, medical aid, family welfare camps, AIDS awareness programmes, immunization camps, promotion of sports & cultural activities, social forestry, etc.
下一条:《全球碳捕集与封存机构—捕集电厂与电厂一体化》专题报告(2013)Special Report for the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute-
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