TCEP环境影响报告草案摘要(2011年)TCEP Draft EIS summary(2011)
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- 更新时间:2021-09-09
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美国(U.S.)美国能源部(DOE)提议为德克萨斯清洁能源峰会有限责任公司(Summit Texas Clean Energy, LLC)的德克萨斯清洁能源项目(TCEP或项目)提供财政援助,该项目是一个拟议中的以煤为基础的电力和化学品生产工厂(简称多联产或多gen工厂)。峰会将规划、设计、建设和运营TCEP,包括在工厂运营初期的一个为期三年的示范阶段。该工厂预计将至少运营30年。电厂设计将二氧化碳(CO2)捕获与集成气化联合循环(IGCC)发电系统相结合,捕获的二氧化碳将在区域市场上出售,以提高石油采收率(EOR),从而实现二氧化碳的永久封存。
The United States (U.S.) Department of Energy (DOE) proposes to award financial assistance to Summit Texas Clean Energy, LLC (Summit) for the Texas Clean Energy Project (TCEP or project), a proposed coal-based electric power and chemicals production plant (referred to as a polygeneration or polygen plant). Summit would plan, design, construct, and operate the TCEP, including a three-year demonstration phase at the beginning of plant operations. The plant is expected to operate for at least 30 years. Plant design would combine carbon dioxide (CO2) capture with an integrated gasification combined-cycle (IGCC) power production system, and captured CO2 would be sold on the regional market for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), resulting in permanent sequestration of the CO2.
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