新设立的煤炭资源向电力部门合理化问题跨mfinistera工作队(IMTF)的报告Report of the new Inter-mfinistera Task Force (IMTF) onRatl
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- 更新时间:2021-09-09
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The current status of energy-efficiency technologies for utilization of LRC within APEC economies especially in China was analyzed, and general guidelines recommendations for the technological development were put forth based on the concept of circular economy, advocating large scale utilization of LRC through upgrading and integrated functional unit operations and processes. Four guidelines were draw. First, upgrading and classified utilization of LRC should be highly purposive and focus on a comprehensive utilization of LRC, and thereafter critical technologies and processes could be properly selected. Second, such mature theories and unit operations as drying, carbonization, pyrolysis, burning, gasification, reaction, rectification and separation, should be optimally integrated to form innovating integrated circular economic systems. Thirdly, a combined technological innovation should be implemented to products demanded in the market such as gaseous energy, liquid energy, solid energy and high-value-added chemicals. Lastly, key processes and products should be clearly identified to fulfill the comprehensive utilization of LRC in an optimized fashion. Under the guidelines, four technological solution schemes (recommendations) for LRC utilization were proposed and critical technologies and processes used in the four schemes were evaluated.
上一条:亚太经合组织经济体利用低等级煤炭的能效技术的最佳实践与展望(2013年)Best Practices and Perspectives of Energy Efficiency Technologie
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