![Mesaba能源项目环境影响报告书草案第1卷总结(2007年)MESABA ENERGY PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT VOLUME 1Su](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
![Mesaba能源项目环境影响报告书草案第1卷总结(2007年)MESABA ENERGY PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT VOLUME 1Su](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
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这份环境影响报告草案提供了有关拟议的Mesaba能源项目的潜在环境影响的信息,该能源项目是一个煤基综合气化联合循环(IGCC)发电设施,将位于明尼苏达州东北部的Taconite税收减免区(TTRA)。Excelsior Energy Inc. (Excelsior)提出将Mesaba能源项目分为两个阶段进行设计、施工和运营;每一阶段将产生606兆瓦的电力(MWe)输出到电网,总计1212兆瓦。能源部提出的行动是提供总计3600万美元的联合资助,通过合作协议与精益求精的在清洁煤电倡议(CCPI)计划,设计和一年期操作示范测试段阶段即第一阶段目前的总成本估计为21.6亿美元。该EIS将Mesaba能源项目的两个阶段作为相互关联的行动来处理,即使只有第一阶段将由CCPI项目共同资助。能源部还可以根据2005年的能源政策法案向Excelsior提供贷款担保,以保证该项目的部分私营部门融资;然而,这项潜在的贷款担保并不是能源部提议的行动的一部分。由于拟议的设施被认为是一个大型发电厂,因此该项目受到《明尼苏达发电厂选址法》(明尼苏达法规第216E章)的约束,该法要求编制一份相当于州一级的环境影响报告书。《国家环境政策法》和《明尼苏达发电厂选址法》对环境影响报告书的要求基本上是相似的,能源部与MDOC合作编写了这份《环境影响报告书》,以满足这两部法律的要求。
This Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) provides information about the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Mesaba Energy Project, a coal-based Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) electric power generating facility that would be located in the Taconite Tax Relief Area (TTRA) of northeastern Minnesota. Excelsior Energy Inc. (Excelsior) proposes to design, construct, and operate the Mesaba Energy Project in two phases; each phase would nominally generate 606 megawatts of electricity (MWe) for export to the electrical grid, 1,212 MWe total. DOE’s Proposed Action is to provide a total of $36 million in co-funding, through a cooperative agreement with Excelsior under the Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI) Program, for the design and one-year operational demonstration testing period for Phase I. The total cost of Phase I is currently estimated at $2.16 billion. This EIS addresses the impacts of both phases of the Mesaba Energy Project as connected actions, even though only Phase I would be co-funded under the CCPI Program. DOE may also provide a loan guarantee to Excelsior pursuant to the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to guarantee a portion of the private sector financing of the project; however, this potential loan guarantee is not part of DOE’s Proposed Action. Because the proposed facility is considered a Large Electric Power Generating Plant, the Project is subject to the Minnesota Power Plant Siting Act (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 216E), which requires the preparation of a state-equivalent EIS. The EIS requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act and the Minnesota Power Plant Siting Act are substantially similar, and DOE has prepared this EIS in cooperation with the MDOC to fulfill the requirements of both laws.
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