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Friendsville矿山重新开张?Friendsville Mine Reopening? Friendsville矿山重新开张?Friendsville Mine Reopening?

Friendsville矿山重新开张?Friendsville Mine Reopening?

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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有消息称,位于伊利诺斯州东南部的Friendsville露地煤矿,由于与一名不知名的客户进行了试探性的燃烧,每年120万吨的Vigo煤炭公司将重新开工。支持这一观点的是,MSHA最近恢复了该矿为“活动”矿,而不是“不生产”矿。Hanou Energy公司认为,测试的燃烧点位于不远处的一家工厂,即Duke Energy Gibson发电厂。

Word has it that the Vigo Coal Company 1.2 million ton per year Friendsville surface mine in southeastern Illinois is reopening thanks to a reported test burn with an unknown customer. Supporting this point is that MSHA has recently reinstated the mine as an “Active” mine instead of a “Nonproducing” mine. It is Hanou Energy’s belief that the test burn is located at a plant a short distance away, namely the Duke Energy Gibson power plant.
