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- 更新时间:2021-09-09
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The World Coal Association (WCA) is the only body that represents the coal industry at the global level. We derive our international stature through observer status with United Nations (UN) bodies and partnerships with a range of international organisations. We are the only body that can provide leadership for the global coal industry in supporting action on the deployment of low emission coal technologies to combat climate change and support sustainable development. Our members gain significant value from their membership of the WCA. Through our engagement with a range of international bodies, we provide our membership with access to and understanding of key international issues across the entire coal value chain in a way that cannot be achieved by companies acting alone. There are no substantial or material differences between the climate and energy policies of WCA and those of BHP; moreover we do not believe the material difference identified in BHP’s Industry Association Review accurately represents the position of the WCA. We recommend BHP remain engaged in WCA at its current membership level. It is through this continued partnership that we can ensure continued alignment of our joint priorities to support a sustainable future for the coal industry.
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