首页 > 资料下载 > 后燃CO2捕集2010的生物质燃热电厂技术经济评价 2010Techno-Economic Evaluation of Biomass Fired or Co-Fired Power Plants
后燃CO2捕集2010的生物质燃热电厂技术经济评价 2010Techno-Economic Evaluation of Biomass Fired or Co-Fired Power Plants 后燃CO2捕集2010的生物质燃热电厂技术经济评价 2010Techno-Economic Evaluation of Biomass Fired or Co-Fired Power Plants

后燃CO2捕集2010的生物质燃热电厂技术经济评价 2010Techno-Economic Evaluation of Biomass Fired or Co-Fired Power Plants

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-09
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在发电中使用生物质是减少温室气体排放的关键选择。具体而言,共烧 生物质与煤可以被看作是任何新的发电厂的共同特征,如果生物质的可持续供应。 燃料容易接近。

The use of biomass in power generation is a key option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, the co-firing of biomass with coal could be regarded as a common feature of any new build power plant if a sustainable supply of biomass fuel is readily accessible.
