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阿尔伯塔省的煤炭工业的表Alberta Coal Industry Fact Sheet 阿尔伯塔省的煤炭工业的表Alberta Coal Industry Fact Sheet

阿尔伯塔省的煤炭工业的表Alberta Coal Industry Fact Sheet

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-16
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煤炭工业对艾伯塔省来说至关重要,它是经济发展的催化剂,为成千上万的人(尤其是农村地区的人)创造就业机会,并通过税收和特许权使用费为政府的社会项目提供资金。 艾伯塔省生产两种类型的煤,即用于发电的动力煤和炼钢的关键原料冶金煤。 阿尔伯塔省的煤炭行业 •艾伯塔省拥有约60亿吨煤炭储量,分布在整个艾伯塔省的近一半地区。•艾伯塔省有9座煤矿——7座热矿区和2座Met矿区。•2013年,艾伯塔省的煤炭产量略低于2900万吨。其中绝大多数是用于当地发电的动力煤,其余出口到亚洲,主要是日本和韩国。•煤炭开采是对土地的临时利用,阿尔伯塔省75%以上的已开采土地已被填海。 阿尔伯达人中受益 •在当前的全球市场低迷之前,由于煤炭行业,约有7000名阿尔伯塔人被雇佣,其中大部分在阿尔伯塔省的农村地区。•在过去的五年里,艾伯塔省政府从煤炭公司获得了超过9100万美元的特许权使用费,用于资助政府项目和服务,这些项目和服务丰富了艾伯塔省所有人的生活。  新的煤炭开采潜力巨大  Over 未来 20 years, 全球 动力 煤 需求 预计 将 double, 和 冶金 煤 需求 将 增长 50% 。 Alberta 定位 是 利用 这 一 出口 潜力 由于 其 高 质量 的 coal.  New 煤矿 项目 可以 进一步 多元化 economy, 支付 数十亿 美元 的 税收 和 版税 政府 和 创造 数千 个 高 paying, 长期 jobs:  Coalspur’s Vista Project Hinton, 热 煤 出口 附近 project, 预计 将 产生 超过 $200 百万 新 Alberta 政府 收入 和 Phase 1 alone. 直接 创造 超过 500 个 工作 岗位 Several 公司 正在 调查 Met 煤炭 项目 的 潜力 Eastern Slopes:  Three 项目 South Saskatchewan/Crowsnest Pass 地区 能 产生 在 新的 政府 收入 和 4000 jobs. $3 十亿 An 额外 5 项目 North Saskatchewan 地区 有 潜力 产生 $13 十亿 以上 的 政府 和 雇佣 了 11000 workers.

The coal industry is essential to Alberta as a catalyst for economic development, creator of employment for thousands of people (particularly in rural areas), and financial contributor to government social programs through tax and royalty payments.
There are two types of coal produced in Alberta, namely THERMAL coal, used for power generation and METALLURGICAL (Met) coal, a key ingredient in steel-making.
Alberta’s Coal Industry
• Alberta has approximately 6 billion tonnes of coal reserves, dispersed over almost half of all Alberta. • Alberta has 9 producing coal mines -7 Thermal mines and 2 Met mines.  • In 2013, Alberta produced just under 29 million tonnes of coal.  The vast majority was thermal coal used for local power generation, the remainder exported to Asia, mainly Japan and South Korea.  • Coal mining is a temporary use of the land and over 75% of mined lands in Alberta have been reclaimed.
Benefits to Albertans
• Before the current global market downturn, about 7,000 Albertans were employed thanks to the coal industry, the majority in rural Alberta. • Over the last five years, the Alberta Government received over $91 million in royalties from coal companies to financially support government programs and services which enrich the lives of all Albertans. 
Significant New Coal Mining Potential
 Over the next 20 years, global demand for thermal coal is expected to double, and met coal demand to increase by 50%.  Alberta is positioned to capitalize on this export potential due to its high quality coal.   New coal mining projects can further diversify the economy, pay billions of dollars in taxes and royalties to government and create thousands of high paying, long term jobs:  Coalspur’s Vista Project near Hinton, a thermal coal export project, is projected to generate over $200 million in new Alberta government revenues and create over 500 direct jobs in Phase 1 alone.  Several companies are investigating Met coal project potential in the Eastern Slopes:  Three projects in the South Saskatchewan/Crowsnest Pass region could generate $3 billion in new government revenues and 4000 jobs.  An additional five projects in the North Saskatchewan region have the potential to generate upwards of $13 billion to government and employ 11,000 workers.
