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煤炭勘探与资源-Coal Exploration & Resources- 煤炭勘探与资源-Coal Exploration & Resources-

煤炭勘探与资源-Coal Exploration & Resources-

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-16
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在乡村进行煤炭勘探。 分两个大的阶段,即地区 探索与详细探索。碲 进行煤炭区域勘探 由政府组织,而 主要进行详细的勘探。 煤炭公司

Exploration for coal in the country is carried out in two broad stages i.e. the Regional Exploration and Detailed Exploration. Te regional exploration for coal is carried out by the Government organizations whereas detailed exploration is largely undertaken by coal companies
