JB/T 8942-2016 氩提取设备 Argon recovery plants
本标准规定了空气分离设备中氩提取设备的产品类型和型号、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于以空气为原料,采用低温法生产气体产品的空气分离设备(以下简称空分设备)中提取氩气产量大于或等于10m<sup>3</sup>/h的氩提取设备。 注1:本标准中的压力未注明者为表压,加上“(A)”为绝压。 注2:本标准中氩气产量均为标准状态,即0°C、101.325kPa(A)状态下的气体量,单位为立方米每小时(m<sup>3</sup>/h)...
2024-01-09 04:00:02浏览:19
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YS/T 787-2012赤泥中精选高铁砂技术规范Recovery of iron ore from red mud
2022-06-13 15:44:03浏览:54
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Use of ionic liquid in leaching process of brass wastes for copper and zinc recovery
Brass ash from the industrial brass manufacturer in Turkey was leached using the solutions of ionic liquid (IL) 1-butyl-3-methyl-imi-dazolium hydrogen sulfate ([bmim]HSO4) at ambient pressure in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and potassium peroxymonosulfate (oxone) as the oxidants. Parameters affecting leaching efficiency, such as dissolution time, IL concentration, and oxidizing agent addition, were investigated. The results show that [bmim]HSO4 is an efficient IL for the brass ash leaching, providing the dissolution efficiencies of 99%for Zn and 24.82%for Cu at a concentration of 50vol%[bmim]HSO4 in the aqueous solution without any oxidant. However, more than 99%of zinc and 82%of copper are leached by the addition of 50vol%H2O2 to the [bmim]HSO4 solution. Nevertheless, the oxone does not show the promising oxidant behavior in leaching using [bmim]HSO4....
2020-11-22 17:58:37浏览:73
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Commercial Application of the RAR Sulfur Recovery and Tail Gas Treating Process
The 40kt/a sulfur recovery unit for tail gas treating applying the reduction-absorption-recycling (RAR) technology is aimed at regeneration of the rich amine solution and recovery of sulfur to operate in tandem with the 1.2Mt/a diesel hydrofining unit. The process unit calibration data have revealed that the recovery of total sulfur reaches 99.86%, which is 6.65 percentage points higher than that before application of the RAR technology. The SO2 content in vented tail gas is 0.27 t/d, which is much less than the latest emission standard prescribed by the State. The factors that can affect the unit operation have been analyzed and corresponding measures have been suggested including the necessity to improve the control over the reaction temperature in the tail gas hydrogenation unit....
2020-09-15 12:28:59浏览:75
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Low gas-liquid ratio foam flooding for conventional heavy oil
The recovery of heavy oil by water flooding is 10% lower than that of conventional crude oil,so enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is of great significance for heavy oil.In this paper,foam flooding with a gas-liquid ratio (GLR) of 0.2:1 for the Zhuangxi heavy oil (325 mPa.s at 55 ℃) was performed on cores,sand packs and plate model.In sand pack tests,polymer enhanced foam flooding increased oil recovery by 39.8%,which was 11.4% higher than that for alkali/surfactant/polymer (ASP) flooding under the same conditions.Polymer enhanced foam flooding in plate models shows that the low GLR foam flooding increased oil recovery by about 30%,even when the extended water flooding was finished at 90% water cut.Moreover,it was discovered by microscopy that foam was more stable in heavy oil than in light oil.These results confirm that low GLR foam flooding is a promising technology for displacing conventional heavy oil....
2020-09-13 23:35:02浏览:72
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Affecting Factors and Improving Measures for Converter Gas Recovery
To change the undesirable present situation of recovering and using converter gas in steel plants in China,the basic approaches to improving the converter gas recovery rate were analyzed theoretically along with the change curves of the converter gas component content, based on the converter gas recovery system of Baosteel No. 2 steelmaking plant. The effects of converter device, raw material, air imbibed quantity, recovery restricted condition, and intensity of oxygen blowing on the converter gas recovery rate were studied. Among these, the effects of the air imbibed quantity, recovery restricted condition, and intensity of oxygen blowing are remarkable. Comprehensive measures were put forward for improving the converter gas recovery from the point of devices, etc. , and good results were achieved....
2020-09-13 23:35:02浏览:79
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2020-09-13 23:35:02浏览:47
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2020-09-02 20:01:33浏览:44
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2020-07-10 14:39:05浏览:315
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Suitable retention and recovery technology of floor coal at ends of fully mechanized face with great
Gateways at faces of great mining heights are mostly driven along the roof of coal seams. For gateway height restrictions, a 1-3 m floor coal is retained, leaving a triangular floor coal at the face ends, causing a loss of coal. In order to improve coal recovery rates and to ensure efficiency of equipment at coal mining faces, we investigated suitable retention methods and recovery technology of floor coal at face ends. The upper floor coal can directly be recovered by a shearer with floor dinting. The lower floor coal is recovered by shearer with floor dinting after advanced floor dinting and retaining a step for protecting coal sides in a haulage gateway. Field practice shows that this method can improve the coal recovery rates at fully mechanized working faces with great mining heights....
2020-06-12 16:19:27浏览:1416
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Technical Measures and Selections for Reducing Flue Gas Heat Loss of Large Coal-Fired Boilers
The main technologies for reducing flue gas heat loss of pulverized coal-fired boilers are introduced,and the suitability of these technologies for boiler operation and the principles for selection of these technologies are explored.The main conclusions are:1) the non-equilibrium control over flue gas flow rates at the inlet of the air heater and the reversal rotation of the air heater rotator should be popularized as regular technologies in large boilers; 2) increasing the area of the air heater to reduce the flue gas heat loss in pulverized coal-fired boilers should be the top option and increasing the area of the economizer be the next choice; 3) lowpressure economizer technology could save energy under special conditions and should be compared with the technology of increasing economizer area in terms of techincal economics when the latter is feasible; 4) the hot primary air heater is only suitable to the pulverizing system with a large amount of cold air mixed....
2020-06-12 16:19:11浏览:1416
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Extracting vanadium from stone-coal by oxygen pressure acid leaching and solvent extraction
Vanadium extraction from stone-coal was investigated by oxygen pressure acid leaching and solvent extraction. The mineralogy of the stone-coal from Tongren City of Guizhou Province, China, was investigated by various determination methods. The effects of leaching time, leaching temperature, leaching agent concentration, leaching L/S ratio, granularity of material, additive consumption were investigated based on the mineralogy. The results show that under the conditions of leaching time of 3-4 h, temperature of 150 ℃, sulfuric acid consumption of 25%-30%, ratio of liquid to solid of 1.2:1, the granularity less than 0.074 mm, additive consumption of 3%-5%, and oxygen pressure of 1.2 MPa, and the vanadium leaching rate can be more than 92% by the method of two-step pressurized acid leaching. The powdery V2O5 product with 99.52% in V2O5 content is obtained by the flowsheet of acid recovery, removing iron by reduction process, solvent extraction, precipitating vanadium with ammonium water, and pyrolysis from the stone-coal oxygen pressure acid-leaching solution. The total recovery efficiency of vanadium is above 85%, which is more than 20% higher than that obtained in the conventional process. Furthermore, the new process does not cause air pollution since no HCl or Cl2 is released by calcination of the raw material....
2020-06-12 16:19:10浏览:1445
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Recovering germanium from coal ash by chlorination with ammonium chloride
A new process of enriching germanium from coal ash was developed. The process involves in mixing the coal ash and ammonium chloride and then roasting the mixture to produce germanium chloride that is then absorbed by dilute hydrochloric acid and hydrolyzed to germanium oxide. The germanium recovery reached to 80.2% at the optimum condition: mass ratio of NH4Cl/coal ash is 0.15, roasting temperature 400℃ and roasting time 90 min....
2020-06-12 16:16:59浏览:1458
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2020-06-12 16:00:08浏览:1445