高速分析在金属气体分析中的应用 Ⅳ 钢中氢的高速分析 张传隆 1980年版
高速分析在金属气体分析中的应用 Ⅳ 钢中氢的高速分析
出版时间: 1980年版...2023-11-09 23:00:01浏览:24
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ISO 16664-2017 气体分析--标准气体和混合气体的处理--指导方针 Gas analysis--Handling of calibration gases and gas mixtures--Guidelines
This document describes factors that may influence the composition of pure gases and homogeneous gas mixtures used for calibration purposes. This document only applies to gases or gas mixtures that are within the “utilization period”. It provides the following guidelines for the handling and use of calibration gas mixtures:<br />— storage of calibration gas cylinders;<br />— calibration gas withdrawal from cylinders;<br />— transfer of calibration gas from cylinders to the point of calibration.<br />It also outlines a method of assessing the stability of a gas mixture, taking into account the gas composition uncertainty given on the certificate and the user’s measurement uncertainty....
2023-10-17 10:36:01浏览:20
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ISO 12963-2017 气体分析--基于一个两点校准测定气体混合物的组成对比方法 Gas analysis — Comparison methods for the determination of the composition of gas mixtures based on one- and two-point calibration
This document provides methods for
— calibrating an instrument with one or two calibration gas mixtures,
— determining the composition of a gas sample, and
— evaluating the uncertainty of the composition of the gas sample in relation to the uncertainty of the
composition of the calibration gases used and the contribution of the measurement process.
This document sets requirements to, and acceptance criteria for, the utilization of different
measurement calibration designs with a limited (i.e. minimum) number of calibration gas mixtures
used in calibration.
The methods in this document are described for amount-of-substance fractions, but are also applicable
for other composition quantities (such as mass fractions, volume fractions or concentrations)....2023-10-08 08:48:01浏览:21
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GB/T 5832.1-2016 气体分析 微量水分的测定 第1部分:电解法 Gas analysis--Determination of moisture--Part 1:Electrolytic method
GB/T 5832的本部分规定了采用电解法测定气体中微量水分的方法,描述了方法原理,对仪器、仪器校准、测定事项、精密度、结果处理、试验报告等提出了要求。 本部分适用于氮、氦、氖、氩、氪、氙、二氧化碳以及其他不与五氧化二磷发生除吸湿以外的各种反应的气体中微量水分的测定,测定范围:0.1X10<sup>-6</sup>~1000X10<sup> -6</sup>(体积分数)。...
2023-08-16 10:36:02浏览:22
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GB/T 5275.6-2023 气体分析 动态法制备校准用混合气体 第6部分:临界流锐孔
尽管本文件规定的方法通常应用于制备大气压条件下的混合气体, 但本文件规定的方法也能用于制备压力超过大气压的校准用混合气体。使用本文件规定的方法,上游气体压力需至少比下游气体压力高两倍。
本文件适用的流量范围为1 mL/min~10 L/min。
替代GB/T 5275.6-2014...2023-07-29 07:24:01浏览:23
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BS EN 61207-6-2015 气体分析仪的性能说明 第6部分:光度分析仪 Expression of performance of gas analyzers. Photometric analyzers
2023-06-12 09:36:01浏览:27
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IEC 60599-2015使用中的浸渍矿物油的电气设备--溶解和游离气体分析结果解释的导则Mineral oil-filled electrical equipment in service - Guidance on the interpretation of dissolved and free gases analysis
This International Standard describes how the concentrations of dissolved gases or free<br />gases may be interpreted to diagnose the condition of oil-filled electrical equipment in service<br />and suggest future action.<br />This standard is applicable to electrical equipment filled with mineral insulating oil and<br />insulated with cellulosic paper or pressboard-based solid insulation. Information about<br />specific types of equipment such as transformers (power, instrument, industrial, railways,<br />distribution), reactors, bushings, switchgear and oil-filled cables is given only as an indication<br />in the application notes (see Annex A).<br />This standard may be applied, but only with caution, to other liquid-solid insulating systems.<br />In any case, the indications obtained should be viewed only as guidance and any resulting<br />action should be undertaken only with proper engineering judgment....
2023-04-21 07:50:01浏览:74
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GB/T 35860-2018气体分析 校准用混合气体证书内容Gas analysis-Contents of certificates for calibration gas mixtures
本标准规定了瓶装均质的校准用混合气体的证书的最基本要求。本标准也适用于校准用的纯气体,但不适用于非校准用途的纯气和混合气体。<br />本标准规定的是校准用混合气体的计量方面的要求,不涉及安全及法律方面的要求。<br />本标准还规定了带压气瓶或其他容器包装的均质混合气体的推荐性的附加信息(可选条款)。本标准不包含有关安全方面的数据及相关标志。...
2023-04-15 18:50:02浏览:47
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DL/T 2217-2021 高清版 变压器用天然酯和合成酯油溶解气体分析导则
DL∕T 2217-2021 高清版 变压器用天然酯和合成酯油溶解气体分析导则...
2023-03-16 16:28:02浏览:46
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DL/T 2217-2021 变压器用天然酯和合成酯油溶解气体分析导则
DL∕T 2217-2021 变压器用天然酯和合成酯油溶解气体分析导则...
2023-02-26 09:30:02浏览:56