首页 > interpretatio
  • BS ISO/IEC 27042-2015 Information technology. Security techniques. Guidelines for the analysis and interpr...2023-08-23
  • AS 1735.5.4-2019 Lifts, escalators and moving walks Safety of escalators and moving walks - Interpretations...2023-08-18
  • DIN CEN/TR 16798-14-2018 Energy performance of buildings - Ventilation for buildings - Part 14: Interpretat...2023-08-02
  • EN ISO 4259-2-2017 Petroleum and related products. Precision of measurement methods and results. Part 2:Int...2023-07-23
  • ASTM D8187-2018 标准湿度室试验结果说明指南 Standard Guide for Interpretation of Standard Humidity Cell Test ...2023-07-22
  • DIN CEN/TR 16798-16-2018 Energy performance of buildings - Ventilation for buildings - Part 16: Interpretat...2023-07-14
  • IEC 60599-2015使用中的浸渍矿物油的电气设备--溶解和游离气体分析结果解释的导则Mineral oil-filled electrical eq...2023-04-21
  • BS ISO 14999-4-2015光学和光子学 光学元件和光学系统的干涉测量 ISO 10110中指定公差的解释和评估Optics and photo...2023-04-20
  • GB/T 6380-2019数据的统计处理和解释 Ⅰ型极值分布样本离群值的判断和处理Statistical interpretation of data--Det...2023-04-15
  • GB/T 18049-2017热环境的人类工效学 通过计算PMV和PPD指数与局部热舒适准则对热舒适进行分析测定与解释Ergonomics o...2023-04-15
  • GB/T 4087-2009数据的统计处理和解释.二项分布可靠度单侧置信下限Statistical interpretation of data - One-sided ...2022-06-15
  • GB/T 3359-2009数据的统计处理和解释.统计容忍区间的确定Statistical interpretation of data - Determination of s...2022-06-12
  • GB/T 8055-2009数据的统计处理和解释.Г分布(皮尔逊Ⅲ型分布)的参数估计Statistical interpretation of data - Para...2022-06-10
  • GB/T 33684-2017地震勘探资料解释技术规程Technical specification of seismic data interpretation2022-06-06