UL 1030 BULLETIN/3-2017 Ul Standard For Safety Sheathed Heating Elements (Comments Due: January 29, 2018)2024-02-20
ISO 6306-2019 钢的化学分析--钢标准中列出元素的顺序 Chemical analysis of steel — Order of listing eleme...2024-01-09
NAVY QPL-8815-2015 Filter And Filter Elements,Fluid Pressure,Hydraulic Line,15 Micron Absolute And 5 Micron...2023-12-21
SAE AS85352A-2018 Inflator Assembly And Gage Elements,Pneumatic Pressure,Remote Control,Direct Reading2023-10-27
NAVY MIL-PRF-32148 VALID NOTICE 2-2015 Filter Separator Elements, Fluid, Pressure, Aviation and Distillate ...2023-10-17
BS ISO 17469-1-2015 文献管理 策略标记语言(StratML) StratML核心元素 Document management Strategy markup langu...2023-08-29
BS ISO 20056-1-2017 Rolling Bearings. Load Ratings For Hybrid Bearings With Rolling Elements Made Of Ceram...2023-08-28
GA/T 543.15-2018 公安数据元(15) The data elements for public security (15)2023-08-03
BS EN 16931-1-2017+A1-2019 Electronic invoicing. Part 1: Semantic data model of the core elements of an el...2023-08-01
DIN EN 17053-2018 Animal feeding stuffs - Methods of sampling and analysis - Determination of trace element...2023-07-19
EN 1634-1-2014+A1-2018 Fire resistance and smoke control tests for door and shutter assemblies,openable win...2023-07-10
GA/T 1054.9-2018 公安数据元限定词(9) Qualifiers for data elements of public security (9)2023-06-26
GA/T 1054.5-2016 公安数据元限定词(5) Qualifiers for data elements of public security (5)2023-06-12
GB/T 39271.1-2020 滚动轴承 陶瓷滚动体混合轴承的额定载荷 第1部分:额定动载荷 Rolling bearings-Load ratings for ...2023-06-12
BS ISO 22682-2017 Iron Ores. Determination Of Trace Elements. Plasma Spectrometric Method2023-06-08
GB 28480-2012 饰品 有害元素限量的规定 Adornment - Provision for limit of baneful elements2023-05-26
GA/T 543.19-2020 公安数据元(19) The data elements for public security(19)2023-05-11
GB/T 34244-2017 液体除菌用过滤芯技术要求 Technical code for liquid sterilizing-grade filter elements...2023-04-29
GA/T 1054.12-2020公安数据元限定词(12)Qualifiers for data elements of public security (12)2023-04-19
GB/T 2831-2009光学零件的面形偏差Surface form deviation of optical elements2022-06-10
GB/T 40658-2021溴化钾光学元件Potassium bromide optical elements2022-03-14
Characteristics of the main polluting trace elements in the water environment of mining subsidence p2020-07-08
Effect of unburned carbon content in fly ash on the retention of 12 elements out of coal-combustion 2020-06-12