KS C IEC 61125-2019 Insulating liquids — Test methods for oxidation stability — Test method for evaluatin...2024-02-22
SJ/Z 21577-2020 军用加固计算机测试性设计指南 Guide for testability design of military reinforced computer...2024-02-01
NAVY MIL-HDBK-528-2017 Design For Testability (Dft) For Boundary Scan Diagnostics (Bsd)2024-01-30
NF H96-316-1-2016 Industrial trucks - Verification of stability - Part 1 - general2024-01-09
SJ/Z 20695.1-2016 地面雷达测试性设计指南 第1部分:系统 Guide of testability design for ground-based radar.--P...2023-10-17
KS B ISO 13563-2-2008 Single Side Loading Fork-Lift Trucks-Part 2:Additional Stability Tests For Trucks Handl...2023-10-06
NF ISO 22915-4-2019 Industrial trucks - Verification of stability - Part 4 : pallet stackers, double stack...2023-10-03
NB/SH/T 6020-2020 润滑脂在水存在下滚筒安定性测定法 StAndsird test method for roll stability of lubricating g...2023-09-27
BS ISO 13643-3-2017 船舶和船舶技术 机动船舶 偏航稳定性和转向 Ships and marine technology. Manoeuvring of shi...2023-08-25
EN IEC 61125-2018 Insulating liquids. Test methods for oxidation stability. Test method for evaluating the ...2023-08-18
ASTM D5621-2019 Standard Test Method for Sonic Shear Stability of Hydraulic Fluids2023-08-12
EN ISO 12217-3-2017 Small craft. Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization. Part 3:Boats of hul...2023-08-07
DIN 51808-2018 Testing of lubricants - Determination of oxidation stability of greases - Oxygen method2023-07-19
ASTM D1831-2020 Standard Test Method for Roll Stability of Lubricating Grease2023-07-09
BS EN ISO 787-21-2017 General methods of test for pigments and extenders. Comparison of heat stability of ...2023-07-07
ASTM D5304-2020 Standard Test Method for Assessing Middle Distillate Fuel Storage Stability by Oxygen Overp...2023-06-21
DIN EN 1993-1-6-2017 Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Part 1-6: Strength and Stability of Shell St...2023-06-15
DIN EN 140401-802-2017 Detail specification: Fixed low power film SMD resistors - Rectangular - Stability c...2023-06-13
ASTM D5275-2020 Standard Test Method for Fuel Injector Shear Stability Test (FISST) for Polymer Containing ...2023-06-05
DIN 55655-11-2018 Paints and varnishes - Electro-deposition paints - Part 11: Bath stability2023-05-02
GB/T 5556-2003表面活性剂 耐碱性测试法Surface active agents-Test method for alkaline stability2022-06-15
SJ 51929/10-2000RJ57型高稳定金属膜固定电阻器详细规范Resistors,fixed,metal film,high stability,Style RJ57,Det...2022-06-15
SH/T 0099.8-2005乳化沥青冷冻安定性试验法Test method for freezing stability of emulsified asphalt2022-06-10
SJ 51929/11-2000RJ58型高稳定金属膜固定电阻器详细规范Resistors,fixed,metal film,high stability,Style RJ58, De...2022-06-10